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A flicker of hope
is all that stood
. . . against barbarism.
Another outbreak of such a crisis of madness
[meaning the First World War]
would necessarily involve the destruction of
society in the public order. June 1, 1933
People cried out
for a better future.
Germany neither intends nor wishes
to interfere in the internal affairs
of Austria or to conclude an Anschluss. May 1935
If the problem is solved,
there will be no further territorial damands
in Europe by Germany. Sep 1938

James Arthur Jancik was host of the weekly radio show Feet to the Fire,
until he recently retired.
Feet to the Fire was a weekly live radio show, hosted by Mr. James Jancik, dubbed the Black Knight of Talk Radio, not to be confused with Hold Their Feet to the Fire. The Black Knight with his magic touch for interviewing people was unafraid to bring us the macrography and micrography of things.
His program peered into the obscure and the obtrusive, and ran from Chicago. He brought to our attention stories, events, and contemporary information and facts on science, the spiritual, and the unexplained.
James Jancik had interviewed hundreds of experts that ranged from medicine, NDE’s, psychic readings, remote viewing, and all variety of sciences, and alternative energies, and history, via an interesting format of rotational “special” guests on topics of emerging interests. The program normally possessed two weekly featured guests, plus a science and health segment.
Bill Ayers, Stanton Friedman, Glen Kimball, Professor Jim McCanney, Brent Miller, Dr. Betty Martini, astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Professor Robert Shoch, and Russell Targ, to name a few, were interviewed.
Electric engineer Jancik, a week after Art Bell retired in 2002, launched the program Feet to the Fire, in a four hour format that gained audience captivation that drew his listeners to explore the science, the spiritual and the paranormal you normally did not know about.
He produced the Black Knight and Square ‘G’ Show, a show of music and satire banter.

A young James in 1976. His professionally produced CD’s of song parodies transcended his wonderful love of music.

Only Feet to the Fire demonstrated a perspective to our perception of Fatima that no one else dared. He brought us the story of David Booth which some 20 years ago no one knew of him. It is a story that belies description, and like Garabandal--it is not officially approved by the Catholic Church, yet it is not officially condemned. Many folks, today, do not know about it.
Booth’s story is as bizarre as a runaway freight train coming at you with no lights on, in the dead of night, on a moonless night out in a forest.
Only when it rushes on by do you realize it is an object of immense power as each car wizzes by. The website that is associated with him is a train of running information of multifarious assortments. He did try his luck in American entrepreneurship, but his computer business went bust (some 20 years ago.)
Booth is on record with the FCC for a precognition of a jet crash in 1979.
The mysterious man also wrote a small book on the global transfers of military and industrial might and cataclysms, historical and nonhistorical. It was not done properly, both in research and literary styles. Title: Code Red. Booth has been labeled everything you can think of from prophet of God to plagerizer to loony, mystery man, avante guard historian. Alledgedly, he was first known as a Russian researcher,
then along came a nun and the name Sorcha Faal. It is claimed his site takes in between five to seven grand a month. He has appeared on various shows in the past, like Out There Television, Jeff Rense Show, and Coast To Coast AM, although now is in hiding, so far.
Booth admits he is a relative of Sister Lucia on radio to George Noory (press)
You be the decider on what to believe by reading the book Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets, for what we do is give you the information to make up your mind. The stories are preserved for history. Our host Mr. Jancik brought to the radio listening world not just the story of David Booth, but a message from Sister Lucia, on October 6, 2004. Booth told us he was given permission to announce the message. In the audio files you will hear short mini clips when Booth was interviewed on radio.
What once pertained to the future, an illusion, illusionary changes cease to be illusionary vistas if something triggers opening a door of reality. Transcending that reality is the interview heard on radio near 3am when Mr. Booth told the host of Coast To Coast AM George Noory his relation to Sister Lucia. Growing up in America is not the same as growing up in Portugal. But,if you cater only to the idea that the Bible can give prophecies, and anything else connected to prophetic words should be discarded, it will seem unbelievable to you. On the other hand, should anything and everything be believed?
Your ebook has 7 chapters. The digital book comes out to over 350 pages.
Interview of David Booth, on Feet to the Fire, by host James A. Jancik.
More Tips about eBooks
A few extra words about Moon+Reader Pro.
Moon+ Reader Pro is an eBook reader app that is one of the best for having your digital book read to you. It can easily read any PDF including Pub format in PDF (which many digital books are) everything is quite readable in your Moon+Reader Pro. The Moon app was available for free, but take it from me, the extra 4 bucks for the Moon+Reader Pro is worth it; it even provides information on your reading progress within a chapter apart from the whole book.
Here is the part I like. It not only can read the pages to you, just go to any page you would like to start, and it starts to navigate from there. Control of the voice diction and sound speed etc. is easy, and can be adjusted to your particular needs. I find these particular parameters pretty good: Vol 13, pitch 9 or 10, speed 11. Of course, choose your particular selection that is best for you. The illustration below provides a sample of above parameters.

To make the pages of an ebook turn like a real book, tap in the center 2x; works on the ebook not the links, but if you download any PDF, and open it via your Moon+ Reader Pro, it works. Press the 3 dots upper right, and select PDF Options. When a window pops up, look below where it says Page Flip Animation. Click on triangle, a window pops up. I saw several sources. You can pick (Google) Real Page Turning Effect; click X to return to your page. In the techno world and designer applications, that is sometimes called flip books.
Extra two tips. If you had download some PDF already, and later when you again press and it asks you do you want to download, don’t press copy or “Download” again (you already have it). Just press open, and it will open, otherwise if you press download, it adds a copy of that PDF, and if you keep downloading over and over, you will only find yourself with copy after copy of the same PDF. That's not too smart. Another tip: sometimes when it reads to you, you will note that it does not correspond to the pg. I don't know why sometimes it does that. If you do notice that it does, stop it from reading. In normal page mode advance to a pg ahead, then go back to where it was acting funny. When you tell it to begin reading again, it actually goes back to where it was suppose to match the pg and nothing is off kilter. So sometimes it does that and sometimes it does not, but if it does, now you know what what to do.
In Miscellaneous, scroll down to the middle till you see “Use embedded fonts in book”. Make sure you check the mark “on” otherwise, any numeral in the book may appear as a faded number.
Remember, this book contains both illustrations and words.
When you can, moreover, there is a shortcut to all this history information found here. Within our ebook are PDFs called Historical Keypoints. They are helpful information in seeing the larger scale picture of things and events. They deal with history, and are accurate. They provide information, which is tucked away. These informative series of chronologic PDFs are offered to a reader. The last one will be in constant revision and updates, as it navigates our most recent avenues of time.
Beware, not all information on the web is found correct for there exist inaccuracies. Some chronologies that sound accurate are not worth a pickle. So Beware.
One thing that is disturbing, which we just found out. If you read this on a main computer platform your internet page may open up in Yahoo and not google, and whenever you press a link from the ebook, yahoo does not know what to do and that stinks. It is beyond our control.
Here is what you do. Click your page to turn it into a google pager. And, what I do, is just to click once on the top center of your internet window which shows your address and usually in a new little window of your computer, a box shows up with different icons, one of which is google. Click on google. A new window shows up with the words Google. That activates the google search engines and the google pager. The heck with Yahoo for being so impertinent. Now, on your ebook, click on the link again. The link shows up marvelously on the google pager. Make sure your google window is active or that pesky Yahoo shows up again. Fortunately, on some computers, all the above never shows up and that is very good. Maybe it pertains to how old your Yahoo reader is; let us hope there is no problem. Hope you are one.
If you read this primarily on an Android or some other portable type of handheld device, then may I make this suggestion? You can sometimes load the Moon+Reader Pro onto your laptop--as an app, then whenever you wish, you copy the app onto your smaller portable. You will need a simple USB chord. Plug one end into your handheld unit and the other to your computer.
On your handheld unit, before you do any uploading, create a folder that will store your ebook. Or, just have a place that you would like to store it for easy reference and access.
Download something called Android File Transfer. Then, just connect via the USB. You should see a small window pop up on your computer that reflects your handheld unit. Find your folder on your computer. My computer is an Apple computer. Grab the ebook icon on your computer, drag and drop into the folder carefully. It should pop in there. And, that’s it.
Your ebook has 7 chapters. The digital book comes out to over 350 pages. SO take your time. The ebook is basically divided into 3 themes, The Supernatural. Religion. Science. But, real life history is too complex to divide a book into three simple sections. There are so many interconnecting passages with all sorts of fine, twisting tunnels to it all. Yet, by reading this digital book, the information is open to your fine grooming of history.
Thanks for purchasing this digital book.
Interview of David Booth, on Feet to the Fire, by host James A. Jancik.