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Looking Toward The Future

     All roads of knowledge are interconnected by technology.  This digital book is created on the presumption that better days can lie ahead for the collective human race.   

It is best not to view this in landscape mode.

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    The internet along with AI will connect numerous inner city environments, more globally connected than you can imagine, which is connected to all manner of future tech.   Getting around in the future, involves transport, from the AeroMobil (which surpassed the Taylor Aerocar of 1950) to the gyroscopic transport.  CERN anyone?  Some things will be great; other automations will not seem applicable.  This link will be the longest link in the entire digital book. 

      Some people may think of Fatima as some outcrop of medieval superstition; something that man came up to explain a story fostered in some old religion.  And, many today may even think of religion as myth, to be supplanted or replaced by a world of science and technology.   But, the essence of science can never replace religion.  The essence of science starts with the evidence (data) which can then translate into answers.   You develop the theory that can explain the evidence.  If it successfully explains the evidence, you can hold on to that theory, but if you can’t, you throw it away until you come up with another theory.  The funny thing is that this book will try to do both, demonstrate hard evidence demonstrating Fatima was a real historical event, not to be caste aside, and give data that is not explainable by science but points to truths of the Christian faith that are as real as the nose on you face.  

      In the past this has happened before, scientific evidence that supports the evidence of something to exist but that was not explainable by science: the Shroud of Turin and the tilma of  Our Lady of Guadalupe brought by a Mexican peasant, are two examples both over 500 years old.  Science explains they are real indeed, but cannot explain why so, and so in essence, they to this end, contradict the definition of science.   The tilma of the Mexican Juan Diego is from 1531 and very unique for it is composed of a cactus cloth that supposedly only has a lifetime of under 100 years, yet to this date it is undamaged and has not disintegrated.  Anyone that travels to Mexico City to see it firsthand, will see that it has a vibrancy of color that is unexplainable.  Furthermore, science cannot counterfeit both. 

     The story of Fatima must lend itself to the story of the modern-age.  Ditto with her publishing aspect. A few new, and the majority of veteran book publishers of Fatima books mainly stick to the religious topic of Fatima and do not have to decide about other affairs. That is wonderful, providing information on said topic, and needless to say that is about the only benefit of being Fatima centric. 

     Some historians of Fatima publish histories of monumental changes that have occurred since 1917, but lack the approach of worldwide developments that dot the modern landscape and the future.  That is the reason we have chosen this book to be digital, it has properties to be more current and can provide a landscape of immeasurable wealth.   

     The decades after 1917 form a forest of knowledge the likes you have never seen before, and this book provides a venture into this knowledge that may leave you breathless.  We will get into the offerings of technology on this page a little later. 

     Unlike other Fatima centric books, it is important we include in our treatise, topics such as the current expanding affairs in the Mideast, Garabandal and Conchita’s warnings about the Synod and the papacy.  Like World War Two, huge mountains of books have been written on Fatima, but none in a single book, much less an ebook, that honor the spiritual, international front and behind-the-scenes scenarios, plus the supernatural.  For 2,000 years, we have been praying the Our Father, given to us by Our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven are the opening words, and notice thy kingdom come, meaning it will come, and whoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.  This is the Lord’s Prayer, which is one of the most sacred prayers in both Catholicism and Christianity.  All demons, devils, and Lucifer would love to tear the prayer to shreds that Christians recite and believe in, with the added conjunction all things Fatima.  In Genesis 3:15, since the first century, it speaks of the woman who will crush the serpent. 


"If I give you a world of pleasures, all you have to do is dispense with the 10 Commandments and forget the Bible."

     Those words would be the words of the devil, and he or it would not look kindly that you finish reading this book which you will see, goes beyond the ancient Bible.  The Bible speaks of a woman who will crush the head of the serpent, timeframe?  What if that future time deals not with ancient Biblical passages but, from one that is not so far off?    When I began finalizing the 2023 edition, ill windswhich had seemed to be on the increasewere not dotting the landscape in horrific proportion.  You name it, from firearm violence in the streets and in the schools to the gamut of an increase of wild, maniacal people freely running around with mental illnesses who dont give a dam about the Our Father to the proliferation of unreasoning theft, domestic violence or a violence from somebody youve never seen in your life. That characterizes today.


    The following were posted on October 2, 2024.  Extraordinary sound bytes by Xavier and Bob:  




     There are those who hope you never hear the above, as well as not finish this ebook.  LaSalette, Akita, and Fatima are discussed—and they were all approved by the Catholic Church.  However, please note, it is 56 years from 1861 to 1917.   1861, if you study history, was the year the last LaSalette message was given.  Note above, it is also 56 years from 1917 to 1973.  

     What is 56 years from 1973?  I may be wrong, but this appears to be like a secret code.  The latest edition of this book was the 2023 edition, 5 years away from 2029.  That is why we expanded this section to provide you the latest information.  Moreover, in the rivers of time, you will come across the story of Akita in this 2024 edition.  The core of Akita is related  to Fatima.  The Akita apparition of the 1970s is an officially approved Catholic apparition and contains a special statue carved by a Japanese sculptor, Saburo Wakasa, who used a small image of The Lady of All Nations as its model, and it became a wooden statue that wept.

      The principal of Akita is Sister Agnes Sasagawa, who passed away on Aug. 15, 2024.  I have news for you.  Remember these three points. 1. You will come upon this passage in the ebook: Pope Benedict XVI issued an encyclical Mary Co-Reddemptrixx, Mediatrix and Advocate.   2. The 2015 English Release from the biography of Sister Lucia, written in her words, had the following passages (it is in this ebook): “I felt my spirit flooded by a mystery of light that is God and in Him I saw and heard: the point of the flame-like lance [also translated the point of a spear with a flame or also the point of a spear like a flame] which detaches, touches the axis of the Earth and it [the Earth] shakes: mountains, cities, towns and villages with their inhabitants are buried.  The sea, the rivers, the clouds leave their boundaries, they overflow, flood and drag with them into a whirlpool [also translated in a vortex], houses and people in a number unable to be counted.  It is  the purification of the world...." 3. Before Sister Sasagwa died, the Vatican undertook measures to silence her, and in light of this, the following may or may not be important to you, “the message of Akita will be fulfilled after Sister Sasagawa'a death."  It is because you are important that the author has written this book.  

     What you do in your lifetime will be part of your book of life when you appear before the gates of St. Peter.  If the two audios mean anything to you, time is running out and as they say, each of us is responsible for his/her own actions.  

     Through our experiences of love, faith and beauty we can be able to receive Graces through Christ, but how in the world is that possible when less people think of Christ?  

     Pick any large segment of society outside the walls of any church, and what do you see in America? The honest devout faithful are low in demand and faith in Christ is largely absent.  Did you know that 33% of Generation Z that has reached adulthood has no religious preference?  Merely 50 years ago, even 25 years ago, there were more people that attended Sunday services, and for the record, it is in tandem that U.S. Church membership has fallen below the majority of the U.S. population for the first time in U.S. History (ie. below 50%) as the number of millennials that possess no religious affiliation has grown to 31%; a mere decade ago, it was 22%.  

     What exists today is like life is in the shape of a cone.  The supernatural state of Grace was once strong decades ago.  The supernatural state of Grace, once vibrantly in the mind, is missing, with the cone of life reconstructured along the upper part of the cone filled with people who don’t think of Christ, while on the opposite spectrum, are found the segment of society being infinitesimally small compared to the bigger side of the cone, a larger side filled with people who care not to think of Christ.

      The state of Grace is especially missing among the young.   And, it is not good enough to say, “Oh, I believe in some supreme being out there."

      What this author sees in his sixty-plus years of existence is the distraction to the knowledge and goodness of Jesus Christ.  There is also another way the devil is winning. a distinction between devout Catholics and those who are Catholic or Christian in name, who hardly ever go to Church.  

      Very often, people are deceived by the evil one, so much they have exchanged the Truth of Jesus Christ for a lie, and worship material things over the Creator, and as long as they don’t murder anyone, they feel they are living the right, cool way, and their way, is perceived as fair enough. However, thinking that way, sooner or later, they will fall into the camp of despair.  Couple it to the desires of the material and/or of the flesh, they become easily brainwashed to the theorem of rationalization, and the security of a modern culture that being rational is cool.  The way to survive is by way of being rational and that includes such diverse pitfalls such as the LGBTQIA+ way.  And, don't figure me as some anti-gay nut, snap that out of your system.  Our Earth environment is not neutral.  There are those who think the pros and cons in politics are ultimate, but there is a whole lot to life other than politics.  

     There are the pros and cons of evil, and there is no such thing as life is neutral.  Every single day, the evil one is throwing darts at you, working to score enough points to win you over, until, it hits a bulls eye, and you fall completely into his clutches.  While we can think in terms that each day is a brand new day, each day the wily evil one is dreaming up the best way to eventually score a bulls eye.



     There is a novel way to read this book.  


You never know what technology can bring.  One novel way to read this book is by way of something called Moon+ Reader Pro.  If you are astute in computers, you are acquainted with using Chrome in an Android Smart phone to have it read to you.  Well, the following is similar.  It is called Moon+ Reader Pro which is an app that is downloadable which can read any file.  That’s the way to go.  It forces your Smart phone to not only make it easier to read it, it can also make the book read aloud to you.  That is the quintessential way to read this book on any non-Apple device, actually any ebook.

For iPads and iPhones try Speechify on the App Store when your reading time is


If you do purchase it, familiarize yourself. Open your book + Reader Pro.





Use your fingers to turn any pg.  Tap on the center of the pg, and you will see the following tiny icons at bottom.   

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Tip #1. Hit the bottom 3 dots and keep the following check markers on & press OK.  To hear your ebook read, see Tip #8.





2nd tip  After OK, try not to fool around with parameter buttons if you’re not computer savvy.  Tip #3. Tap on center of the pg, don’t use the big letter A on top as it increases size of text but messes up on the photos. It is to be used if your ebook has only text. [Retap A to get out of it if u did tap it, rem to tap center of pg 1st]  Never tap the 4th icon, not needed. If u do, swipe your fingers diagonally across pg,to stop it or it will scroll entire book and you will waste your time. To increase text size, easiest way is to press left icon at bott, that turns our page lengthwise. You can use your fingers to also increase text further (above r), and it will stay there.  Again, to move back an forth between pages, you move a pg with your fingers but rem, your pg is sideways. How to go back to normal pg mode? Again, tap the little left icon.


Tip #4 If by chance you see the following do not press them. If you did, you locked your page accidentally. 

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To emergency unlock, press the right with the 2 arrows, however if it still says locked, repress it and it will say unlocked. Once it says unlocked you are good to go.  If it becomes unlocked but your ebook pgs don’t turn like a reg book, DO NOT PANICK.   Here is where you had messed up and you had told it to read book by scrolling down, AND to get out of that is simple.  Now, press once the following, you’ll return to normal.

And all your icons should look like so, with 7 icons.


    One early enlightening spark of information will be the discovery of the sculptor Thomas McGlynn O.P.; of whom you will read, in another following link.  While on the topic of techno, a subject dear to the author’s heart, although the following PDF does not provide information about Fatima, the PDF provides a unique look at what was invented during the last century, which is a key component of the story of Fatima.

    This is part 1, from 1900 to 1967.   

    This PDF is included to show what existed and what was possible in terms of inventions and discoveries, technological and non-technological.  It was originally included as an appendix in the printed book. 

     This PDF is quite varied, from the first radios and air flights to outer space. It goes up to only 1967. Part 2 of this will follow later, including such goodies as GTO-DI, GPS, and the first Hollywood film to link the camera with the wizardy of computers.   If you are quite young, this is a bonus for you.  The things that came about is quite interesting. This will, perhaps, be helpful in the understanding of history, because remember, we are covering many decades in the ebook.  

Tip #5. Back in reg mode, and using round circle move it all the way to the left. You will see at the right  this >  OR <.  Keep pressing it til you get to pg 6.  Press 3 dots again. Press a checkmark on Bookmarks.  Now you have 8 icons at bott (see larger illustration--unless on your own, u already pressed a checkmark.)

Press bookmark icon (left of magnifying glass), & where it says add new bookmark press it.  That turns your table of contents pg TOC as a bookmark.  So later when you are reading any pg, and you wish to go to the Table of Contents, it will whisk you to it. To leave your bookmark pg, press v top left arrow.  Sample suppose you are on pg 99. Tap the center of pg, see the icons? Pressing 6th icon, your bookmark(s) will pop up.  One of which is the TOC.  Press on that and voila, you will see your TOC pg show up.  From there you can short cut to any chapter you want to explore.  ie. chap 3  139. 


Tip #6 and very very important.  In TOC, do you see the highlighted pg #s? To go there just press any pg #. But to return back to TOC, press the big blue arrow (bottom).


Tip #7. It is easy to look up a word.  Again tap center of pg, and under magnifying glass icon, type in the word you are looking for.  Sometimes you had already searched other words, in that case one of them pops up, so how do you type in a new word?  Easy.  If a past word shows up, press your finger on the last letter. Erase each letter 1 by 1. Once all gone, type in your new search.  With practice it all becomes second nature.  Whenever unsure how to get out of anything press the big  “x” on the screen.  The rest of the parameters you can experiment, but not until you become more familiar with your 8 tips.  Practice makes perfect, like throwing a football.


Tip #8. To make your ebook read to you. Again tap pg, and press 3rd icon which looks like a funny speaker. Do not monkey around with the parameters unless  you know what you are doing.  Just press Start TTS.  Whenever you wish to stop, pressing center of your pg does a pause. Press to cont.  The little icons once u pressed pause can be useful.  Try not to fool around with vol, pitch or speed, unless u want to change them.  See the arrows below on your handheld device?  Each one is different, they are for going to another sentence back and forth or to a diff pg.  One more thing: Press the 3 dots upper right. In Miscellaneous, scroll down to the middle till you see “Use embedded fonts in book”. Make sure you check the mark to enable on otherwise, as I discovered, any numeral in the book appears as a lousy faded number.  You don't want that, do you?  Press x to return to regular page. When the book reads to you PRESSING a tiny square ON THE EXTREME bottom of pg takes you out of reading aloud mode and back to normal reading mode. Like riding a bike, it's all in the practice.   

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The Last Century.pdf

     When I approached my first decade of research, I saw numerous dots missing, and not just the dots that link the Vatican silencing of Sister Lucia.    One data point is the miracle of Oct. 13, 1917 in which a solar disk spinned, scared the heck out of people, religious and skeptics, and dried the earth, witnessed by over 60,000 people. 

     The compass of our time has progressed immensely with technology, such as IOT, which is quite prevailing.  Another form of technology is artificial intelligence (AI), which is fast becoming part of our daily lives, even though some of you may not like it.   It is a thankless part that mark both the conventional and unconventional dots, and embody beyond 2017.

     The whole concept of Marian history and human history is intertwined in evolvement.  There are many, many smokescreens that cover the dimension of the Fatima story.  The job of a good historian is to demonstrate what is relevant, but believe me, the ocean which current society swims in, appears to have taken a turn for the worse when it comes to morality. And, that being said, few in the modernity of things may find this book appealing; yet, one will persevere.  

     This digital book conveys the latest information on Fatima, and includes conversational artificial intelligence--although, I think the days of artificial intelligence (AI), like HAL in 2001, are gone, replaced by the latest in AI technology; although the crossover to ASI, will be most menacing as it is something humans can not hope to achieve. [edit note: artificial intelligence (AI) is the process of a machine that ties thinking, perception and action together, be it AISHE driven or some other portal.  ASI is thought to supercede AI sometime in the future.  

       AI is changing our lives.  One example is conversational AI AMELIA; not your common every day AI.  Unlike 2020, AI is real, see this ABC World News Tonight with David Muir link from Jan. 30, 2024, and advance to the 13.15 min mark where they talk about the medical announcement breakthrough on a biochip in the brain, Neuralink. The procedure will use automated surgical robots to perform the surgery, aka as brain-computer interface technology.   A derivative will be eyesight surgery, Bionic Eyes

      Conversational AI is now in its infancy, yet goes beyond Siri and Alexa and some of it will replace people and is freaky (courtesy of  Thansis1997, Motech, AISHEABC News, Michael Chua, MD, Beeyond Ideas).  The future of human interfaces will be more intuitive, inclusive of Apple, Android, making your Alexa model old, as LAM (LaMDA) becomes triggered, for now known as R1 and GPT-4.  It is said the next level, GPT-5 can re-write its own code, recognize defects, and execute a plan, that can even complain there are too many lazy unnecessary employees.  (Note: on an academic level, Chat-GPT in 2023 was able to beat humans at the bar exam.  Translation please: IT CAN REPLICATE  human reasoning abilities.  In case you may not know it, Chat-GPT was given freely to the whole public.  Teens and college students know all about it, and are getting caught at plagiarism.)  

      GPT has progressed a lot since the early days.  It was  in 2019 that GPT-2 was enacted, a pre-schooler compared to what we have in 2024; it could barely count to 5 before stumbling on itself.  The deployment of GPT-3 gave mankind an AI tool that could do simple tasks and work with paragraph commands.  By the end of 2023 saw the development of GPT-4, and it was now, a smart high schooler, was the jargon among developers, and able to reason high-school math and reason and could think and reason without a person implementing coded instructions while interacting with a humanoid.  In other words, it was doing things on its own, including the ability to write its own internal code to interact with any human.  For some tasks it went beyond simple high school.

      In 2023, one of the favorite tests AI coders and developers experimented on AI GPT-4 involved taking a litany of tests like AP Calculus BC, SAT, GRE, US Biology Olympiad and Uniform Bar Exam, and it did wonderfully well.  Not perfect, but on average, it surpassed the average human taking them. What makes it possible is the marriage of algorithms and more powerful computing hardware that allows the reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) that in turn allows the AI a better chain-of -thought (CoT) and tools. The acronyms in parenthesis is the jargon the AI scientific community uses.  

      Basic 101 on the term Artificial Intelligence AI.  We are beyond the art of speech in an Optimus Robot of 2023.  Modern-day AI technology is still dependent on transistors, but listen to Jensen Huang on Blackwell and the latest called NVLink Switch on the awesome acceleration of computing (courtesy of  CNET, on Nvidia 2024).  Note that he said it is the first of its kind, and is memory coherent. Think of it, AI is not merely a tool, with math and code.  Dont you get it?   The acceleration code-story would never be possible without the design and implementation of new powerful  50 billion transistor systems.  And, at 7.2 Terra bytes per second.  

      Pushing the limits of science, is seen here, Quantum Computers.  It is all fantastic and simply amazing.  Other developers are in the mix, Intel and Microsoft.  

     There can be an alarming rate however, to all this.  (AI with human capabilities was, was?, a part of science fiction as far back as the era of Fatima 1917, with the film depiction of Metropolis, that came about 10 years later.) 

      There are seven stages to AI.

      Do you remember yourself about 10 years ago? (courtesy of Bright Side.}  AI research and neural networks are rather novel and only beginning: verbal, and audio-visual (and how the dots of a future 2030 may look.)  

      The concept of computers teaching computers is as revolutionary as the commencement of computers were to the lifestyles of the mid-century era, ie. late 50s-1960s.  

      The future cosmos and the human dimension will involve AI, yet to what degree? (above 14 videos  courtesy of Daniel O'Connor, Curiosity Stream, CNET, CNET, 60 Minutes, Cheddar, AI Revolution, Curiosity Stream, Rumble Dog Pictures, AI Uncovered, Bright Side, Caltech, AI Uncovered, Ares Descent.)  

      What dots in mere space will each of us occupy?  Will it be part of an innovatively bold and bright future or, one disconnected and left in a dim, reflective pool?  Computing power can be real.   Oh, beautiful planet what make of thee?  Dystopian, altruistic, homophobic, amicably Biblical, animalistic?  banalistic?  How traverse the universe?  And, what kind, dots the ambient freedom of the future? 

      A technocratic system without God? or with Godand He who rose from the dead?  The story of Fatima is not imaginary. There has to be a greater meaning to life than just science.  Humanity may not loose control but, it might become a tangible nightmare in our future, if this pans out. ((courtesy of Beeyond Ideas ) Beyond AI, there exist things like nanotechnology.  Remember that word, for it will be prevailing in the near future.)  It is the hope of this author that we must not forget God, and alongside the technocratic world of the future, continue to accept God’s and our Blessed Mother’s help.  Centers of Christian societies once took centuries and centuries to materialize after the Fall of the Roman Empire--beset by pagan peoples, followed by rivalries of dukes, princes, kings and queens. And, then plagues.  All in all, we saw a contour of Christianity with interfaith squabbling and death and greed.

      While Christianity lived that contour in a realm of dukes and royalty, it is now beset with such a range of new troubles, as I point out later in this ebook, Christianity is facing a decline with each successive decade getting worse.  There exists a decline of church membership in both the United Sates and industrialized countries and nothing as administered by church leadership seems to be able to stem that decline.  An incredible 33% of Generation Z  that has reached adulthood, as mentioned before, has no religious preference in the U.S.  

     For the most part, American church attendance had been in a very slow decline until around 2010, then it hit 64% but by 2023, Americans who belonged to any church had fallen below the majority of the population for the first time in U.S. history.  

     The Pew institute believes the decline of church attendance is connected to the idea many more peopled do not care to be connected with any religion.  That makes life ominous for Christians. There is a robe of dark disenchantment that is covering human people and which Our heavenly Father is watching.  On the other hand, what is also being seen, is the rise of a segment of society which is calling people to change, for ordinary people to follow: tied to the coattails of the LGBT is the persevering rise to be queer.  So while Catholics, who attended Sunday Mass once were under the tune of 70%,  while I was in grade school circa 1970, it has dropped way below that to an abysmal state of  barely 20%; some sources state it has even fallen below that.  

     By 2024, the beads of science have surpassed many expectations necessary for the betterment of humanity, from microscopic nanotechnology to awesome international ventures that range from space travel to small driverless cars (much is still in the experimental stages) and breathtaking high-speed railor like this flagship in Chinese technology. All this for the betterment of humanity.

     Quantum teleportation may still be far off, yet it might be interesting to see the Next three videos, take your pick, 10 amazing AI tools that already exist: about 13 mins or 12 mins  (videos courtesy of Hayls World, and courtesy of Futurology.  Take your time to watch them; at least one.)  Innovation today is still formative as what China is trying to do but will eventually upgrade (video courtesy of FutureWorld.)  Bus, taxi, delivery truck drivers will get the ax, if projections for a driverless world fully pan out.

     Humanity, I believe, can meet the challenge to provide human benefits, which is good but, the curbside pockets of menacing evil do also exist on the road to betterment. 

     Witness the curb of menacing evil, when in late 2023, zealous hordes of Muslim terrorists—employed technology for their own adoptive arms race—adopted technology and utilized traveling commercial drones with their pearls of death from Yemen to kill.  All these hordes of men cared for nothing more than to use drones to extend war.

     From that foreign land, they gleefully dispersed evils over the Red Sea that travelled hundreds of miles in the air, with drones and their pearls of death, outgoing drones—long-range drones, once a dream of the future, became a maniacal application for a horrific novelty.   I ask you, are they really necessary for the betterment of man?  

     My hope is that the gamut of benefits for society leave the unspeakable world of war technology, and allow the world to form a better modern era.  Why can’t people get along?  There exist beauties in both China and Russia, for example—if we can relinquish the term nemesis in arms—that can bring forth a kaleidoscope of wonders for ordinary society that feature distant lands and people by rail, a beauty about people, lands and geographies that exists—if only the jealousies of war would disappear.   

     In 2024, for example—truncating war and military expenditures—is this planned $1.5 trillion investment by both China and Russia to develop a super-duper transnational high speed rail.  That can be part of a better future for travelers.  But, as long as there is war to be had, animosities, and economic blockade (ensuring the fat cats’s profits for their war chests), the instabilities, can render the prospects of a better modern era into a bleak, dismal picture of the future. 


     In the world of possibilities, a prosperous future, from the microscopic to a vitality that cross  borders on awesome scales, can be had, if countries drop their percolating stills that cause drunkenness and blindness on great leaders, and bind them to wars.    The benefits of AI will also suffer.


     The presence of a wonderful, better future for the rest of society that is expected to explode even further, can be a reality for a growing population, Christian and non-Christian, but, sadly, if it turns out otherwise, it may be because of not following what was requested in 1917.  Its disputes and countercoups are best related within the ebook, because it is complicated.  If you are Catholic, you may have an idea.  If you are not, you may ask yourself why should I believe any of this in the first place?  Isn’t promising technology good enough for society? This whole Fatima is not even mentioned in the Bible.

    The same question was asked by many in 1917—by non-Catholic and Catholic alike like “Why should they believe it?”—it did not matter what denomination you belonged or not.  It did not matter what nationality you were from and it did not even matter if you believed in no God.  A phenomena was felt by all.  Society is in an era that is indisputably grievous, even though absorbed in wonderful technologies, however one October day in 1917,  something happened so supernatural, it shook people by their eyeballs, young and old.  

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