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     The three magnets that hold this book together are Science, Religion, and the Supernatural. As you have read, the information is composed of painstaking research, with the largest chapter being chapter 1, which contains information of Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Garabandal. Forthwith is a 3 mins introduction to the beautiful story of Garabandal. It is very interesting... at your lower right is a control for sound.  It is called Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall, it premiered in 2020.  The special documentary, created by Mater Spiel, is something else for it has searched and provides eyewitnesses of the apparitions from the decade of the 1960s, when they were still alive. The worldly stage of modern society is a sub theme.   Society cannot continue to live under the framework of a declining morality.  

     Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall is an exceptional collection of interviews and film clips; it is condensed.  If in case you are not able to load the above video,  you can be able to hear and see it for yourself  on this 3 min intro LINK to Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall.

      Keep in mind, some film was probably filmed in 8mm, and that quality is far from high def, and do not be deterred by there being no sound in some of the video clips.  This was the 1960s era, and I remember even my family when we were shown old family movies, there was no sound.  That was a natural thing of life, and we were in a big city like Los Angeles.  It starts with the warnings, but that is covered in the book; it is a story that when it occurred in the 1960s, seemed too incredulous.  The informative video has a collection of both actual moving film and people describing what they remember.  It is not a rendition, for it contains actual eyewitness testimonies of people who were there, and it is done in high definition.  The people who lived it give us a better understanding if it was a true event or what.  It is a streaming visage of Christianity, in which it is reminded, there are those who wish you not to acquire knowledge of the true story.  

      In addition to Unstoppable Watefall, the author discovered this little gem of information, titled Beyond the Vision, Garabandal: Only God Knows, garnered together by people binded together in describing the truth of this little point in history, lost and forgotten until now.  It draws a commentary totally different from the metamorphosed explanation issued by the Vatican.

       The following link allows a reader to view the beautiful film Garabandal, Only God Knows, and follow the many occurrences and inexplicable events.  The appointed persons in the investigative committees with their banal explanations are no force against the power of God and the power of the Rosary.  Various disbelieves say it is all from the devil, but since when do devils and demons want to teach the young to pray the Rosary?  The movie has English subtitles for it is made in Spain, Aniceta is the mother of Conchita, who has no father, and nothing what she and her 3 visionaries say go against God, the Gospel or the Christian faith.  The Blessed Mother loves each and every one of us.  Have you ever tried walking up a steep hill full of rocks—backwards, without a single occasion of falling down?  And, I don’t mean a nice steep, paved city street like what you find in San Francisco.  I mean a rock strewn uneven path.  Try it sometime, in the rain, which because of budget constrains the movie never shows it is raining.  The 1960s village of Garabandal was deep in the mountains, with not even a smooth road or electricity, yet, from the backwards and isolation came a 4-letter word: hope.

      She came down not for Conchita or any of the girls, but for all of humanity.

      If you want to, you can see it recently released in English

    The story of Fatima has been featured on television many times, such as History Channel’s “Histories Mysteries”, AND Fox News --even the Washington Post wrote about Fatima.  But about Garabandal, nothing.


     With the help of modern technology, watch the complete video of Unstoppable Watefall when you have time at this link.  I urge you to watch the complete video when you have time.  If you do not have time now, make some time later.  Get comfortable and check it out.  Maybe even take some notes regarding some marks in the video.  Around the 13 min mark is when the story gets really interesting, but, at no time are we stating this is the end times for the world.   Why it took so long for someone to get the eyewitnesses together in tandem with running commentary is beyond me.

     About the 34 mins it relates how important the theme of messages become, followed by the intervention of actual video of the little Communion Host popping out of nowhere in front of the cameraman.  An angel actually told the girls beforehand that God would work a miracle.  This is related in the ebook, however, nothing is quite as vivid as seeing it for yourself.

     At the 54.14 mark begins the information about the messages, the Eucharist and also a few words from Sister Nieves herself on how certain people went to great lengths to twist the arm of Conchita to say things that seem unbelievable.  You will be involved with those who lived it and become suspicious as to why the Catholic Church did not come out with proper investigations, found around the 1 hour 9mins and 14 seconds mark.  Around the 1 hour and 5 min mark you will hear one of the stories of a miracle, that of Menchu Mendiolea.  They did not keep their mouths shut.

    We must realize we are not in the sixties.  Many trials, wars, and tribulations have come and gone, and much of the story of Garabandal is still hardly known. This particular website is from Australia and in this author's opinion, they did a pretty good job with excellent pictures and information.

      This piece of information contains a clip saved by someone when Conchita appeared on The Late Late Show from New York.  The  interview with host Gabe M. Byrne is most probably from the 1970s or 1980s, as he was the first host of that CBS show, covering a 37-year span until 1999. Duration about 13 mins.

AND? We have two links, which are not nice. One pertains to the night of the screams and the little miracle--which in the video Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall, is related around the 44 min 50 second mark.  Next is also about the night of the screams, but Skip to about the 7.45 min mark on this Link to where they talk about the night of the screams.

At this website from The Catholic News Archive, a novice to the story of Garabandal will read this and leave with the impression that Rome gives a negative note to the whole business of the apparition. 


The bottom line?  From my years and years of research, I can state that it did—and still does, although it is more careful now with a different choice of words— a whole lot of denial, one of which is that Conchita did not see Pope Paul VI. 

If you read the short paragraph below, remember, this is from May 23, 1969.  We now know that what this Vatican informs are mainly bold face lies, but as the author shows, this is the Vatican of the sixties.  Forthwith, is the section about Conchita: 


The Doctrinal Congregation labeled as false statements in a leaflet circulated by the New York Garabandal center alleging that Conchita Gonzales, one of the visionaries, was given a private audience by Pope Paul VI. This leaflet bears the imprimatur of Archbishop Michel Kien Samophithak of Thailand. The congregation also denied claims of Garabandal devotees that Pope Paul had given a special blessing to the Gonzales girl at the alleged private audience. An authoritative source said the Garabandal apparitions have been championed by members of the family of Prince Xavier di BourbonParma, pretender to the Spanish and French thrones. This source said that it was in the company of members of the Bourbon-Parma family that the Gonzales child attended a public papal audience. They afterwards claimed that the Pope had given her a special blessing. The source said this claim is false. Garabandal has been the center of controversy since the inception of the alleged apparitions in 1961.


What kind of Vatican is this?  Well, in a nutshell, it was dominated by evil men, controversial a statement if ever described, but what else can you say if:  A. It is a sad pronouncement to say this.  B. Looking back in history, you find time after time, the 60s era descriptions on Garabandal is full of inventions and lies.  C. There is word from the Vatican that state they did a thorough investigation.  D. Forthwith is the start of this 1969 article: 

Vatican City —(NC) —Claims of Vatican support for alleged apparitions of the Blessed Virgin to four children at Garabandal, Spain, have been denied by the Doctrinal Congregation.   Devotees of the Garabandal apparitions have held that the “official note” made public by the late Bishop Vicente Puchol Montiz of Santander in 1967 was not binding upon them. They claim that pronouncements on the authenticity of Garabandal were entirely in the hands of the Holy Office (the Doctrinal Congregation was formerly known under this title). The congregation’s declaration of May 10, 1969, put an end to their claim. The "official note” of the Santander diocese (where Garabandal is located) declared: • There was no apparition either of the Blessed Virgin or of St. Michael the Archangel or of any other celestial personage. • There was no message....

The Doctrinal Congregation gave full support to Bishop Montiz, saying he “acted correctly in this matter, and in full accord with his authority.” 

     This is a well known website, from America.  It presents the story of Garabandal, and not only in English but in a variety of languages, like in at least 100 languages.  At the bottom of the site is a very nice 53 minute movie, which includes the story of Jesuit Luis Andreu.  Of the many things related by Our Blessed Mother at Garabandal, including the Warning, the Miracle and Chastisement, the Blessed Lady told Conchita before the Warning is to happen, there will be three events:  A Synod.  Communism will return.  The third part of her message was that the Pope will go to Moscow.  In early summer of 2023, on the face of what was released to the public by the Vatican, it was announced the Pope would visit Mongolia and perhaps along the way would visit Moscow.  In 2023, the Pope never visited Moscow; perhaps at some later date he will do so.

     Now, let us turn to the word Synod.

     Conchita had never heard of the word Synod.  It was never understood what the three messages all meant; in fact, when Conchita had asked the Lady what Synod meant, she was told it was a meeting, and when explained Conchita answered like a conference?  The Lady repeated the word Synod, not conference.  It took many years for the above 2 of 3 events to materialize.  In lieu of that, the Blessed Lady related that a certain number of Popes would pass first, "Then, the end of times." 

     Before we get to the topic of the Popes, the interpretation of this is not so easy.  It may address the end of the world or the latter days of something connected to the world. I hope it is not the END TIMES of the world.  

      It is all part of a warning, part of the prophetic content of Garabandal, which like Fatima and Akita, is connected to the issue of repentance for the betterment of a future. In one sense, it has been 33 years since the end of the atheistic Soviet Union but not the end of wars, and has it really gotten better in the former Soviet Union?   Our Blessed Mother said that in the end, Russia will be converted and "an era of peace will be granted to mankind."  Ever since the 1960s era when Garabandal began, the Catholic Church--with few exceptions--continues going downhill, while the roars of war have not vanished.  It was, and is, a false invention that Fatima belongs only to the past. That is something Freemasons love to quote. From 2013, when the elected Pope and Vatican showed they had little care to do a Consecration as requested, the entire point begun 60 years ago has not changed.   Men of the cloth are indeed in a new century, and millennium, but they continue to use insincere logic to change the value of Fatima.  However, they have gone a step beyond by the 2020s, namely they are not satisfied with Fatima, and changing the value of Fatima. They are trying to change wholesale values of Catholicism.  Under the sway of modernism, the state of affairs appears to be getting worse.  Few people realize, and it will be shown in chapter 7, Benedict before he passed away had issued an encyclical Mary Coreddemptrixx, Mediatrix and Advocate and stated Freemasonry is predominant in the College of Cardinals.  I believe the verse the end of times will be the beginning of something new, with the end of something from the past connected to the Catholic Church that is, was, instrumental in the lousy decline of the Church, instrumental to the direction of what her leaders proclaimed to prescribe.



      The warning, the Miracle, what good is it if the common Joe is involved by the masses? but if the CHURCH LEADERSHIP will not respond with a change. A warning, a new miracle?  The change must come from the hearts of all, and I believe, it also should include the internal structures of the Vatican and the Pope, perhaps the end times of part, or all, of the prescriptions associated with Vatican II?  The average Joe did not create the bulk of changes associated with Vatican II.  It may be the end of the reign of confusion, the "end time" of the earth-changing themes of Vatican II and all it's internal confusions.  

      If carried to an extreme, it would be tantamount to an apocalyptic scene if it means the entire demise of Vatican II.  This may mean the "end of times" for what had been first propagated by anti-Fatima Pope John XXIII, some 60 years ago. That is as radical as you can get short of going the other way, and into a further eclipse of the Catholic Church as per La Salette.  In terms of the immediate future, much will be hinged on what is produced by the meeting of Cardinals during the Synod end of 2023 and 2024.  I predict hostilities will be exacerbated, but not quite external hostilities not in the European military sense--but, internal to the body of the Catholic Church. There exists one corollary to all this. How strong are the freemasons within the Church?

     The Blessed Lady, referring to the papal topic once again, said 3 Popes at first, and then actually added there is another, but that will “govern the Church for a very short reign.”  We have past the very short reign of Pope John Paul I, and beyond the sixties.  After the 1960s, four Popes have passed, with the death of Pope Benedict XVI on Dec. 31, 2022, as the fourth.  At the close of 2023, the universal Catholic Church was issued an unusual pastoral edict by Pope Francis with the title Fiducia Supplicans.  A remnant of the Church arose with a heat wave of passionate protest, especially from the Bishops of Africa, so much so that within two months, the Pope issued a retraction that it would not be carried out in Africa.  A prince of the Church, Cardinal Sarah ELOQUENTLY REJECTED Fiducia Supplicans.   It seems that with the Pope's approval it would not be carried out.  However, there is more than meets the eye, as Africa's white European bishops opposed the stance of Africa's black bishops, shades of Akita?  The mighty voice of Africa is arising. This is important because Catholicism in Africa is not what it was just 25 years ago, a minority of Catholics. In the entire world, Catholicism is jumping according to the latest stats in Africa, in terms of Catholic population growth, had by 2023 had grown 6,790% from the last quarter of the 20th Century; they are not a small voice anymore.

Link to The Mystery of Garabandal, Fantasy or Fraud found at this  address.

     We include here parting sound bytes from Fr Martin, on Garabandal interviewed on radio by Art Bell.


3rd Secret and Garabandal  (press)

historical vestige on the underground church 

Fr Luis Andreu
upside down
poster ready
Conchita holding a cross
walking at night
BABIES_M sepia

     The three magnets that hold this book together are Science, Religion, and the Supernatural.  

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