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A flicker of hope
is all that stood
. . . against barbarism.
Another outbreak of such a crisis of madness
[meaning the First World War]
would necessarily involve the destruction of
society in the public order. June 1, 1933
People cried out
for a better future.
Germany neither intends nor wishes
to interfere in the internal affairs
of Austria or to conclude an Anschluss. May 1935
If the problem is solved,
there will be no further territorial damands
in Europe by Germany. Sep 1938
The Anniversary of Garabandal
Sixty Years Ago from Cities to Countryside

In time of bedeviling events popping up, it is refreshing to report the youth are not giving up. Largest Catholic youth event in all of Europe, pops up in May of 2024, and many are unaware of what occurred in Chartres. [The people of Chartres, France, and its great Cathedral, were liberated by Patton's U.S. Third Army in 1944; my father was part of the Third Army, see Aug.18, 1944.] This webpage, on the spectrum of life, moreover, is an anniversary of sorts, 1961-2021, filled with histories, scenes, and various events that were surrounded by a strange story highlighted by the fantastic episodes of 4 mountain kids, Conchita, Jacinta, Mari Loli, and Mari Cruz in a tiny village called Garabandal. Today’s most renowned scientists cannot explain what happened, but this was the early 1960s, and it is detailed a little down this page.
In retrospect, it brings to mind the idea that we too are in another decade, the 2020s, with challenges. Will the drumbeat be a sourpuss one of confusion, or a keg of new times and better aspirations? However, while the main body of this web page was constructed for 2021, do not think we are afraid to add up-to-date histories, especially what pertains to 2024-25.
Let’s explore.
Two of my favorite decades were of the 60s and the 80s, in case you haven’t noticed. Both decades involved the Space Age, one was more a space race, yet, both brought us things we now take for granted.
Much of the electronics of the space age would not begin to reveal themselves until at least a dozen years or so forward from the start of each of these decades, sometimes in the form of something small, like a brand new handheld calculator or, to the wizardry and design of a Disneyland park. (For your information, the high school kids of the early 1960s were the last generation of students that did not have calculators. They were stuck to using hand slide rulers. A what? Thank God that was not me. Check it out on your google. School things that don't exist anymore, but let us take a quickie look. And, for your added information, admission to Disneyland in 1962: 12-17 $1.20, Adults $1.60 but if you bought a 15-ticket book w/admission it was $4.25 and $4.75 respectively; children under 12 : $3.75 for the Jumbo ticket book/admission 60 cents. Source: VACATIONLAND, summer 1962.) Dreams and hopes begin with youth. Your dreams and hopes start each day for a better tomorrow. Each of the above decades were different with people in new settings, technologies and styles, but each had faith and the guts to look forward, enough to work in some kind of unity that rendezvoused with destinies that made it better. Keep a weathered eye to see if our decade brims with hope and shines— or, will it be cursed with the greedy and the malevolent? First is a 1963 Chevy Impala, then a fashion peak.

America not so long ago

For now, let us travel to past settings.
Let us go back, to the 1961-62 era, employing a tiny component of a decade enormous in change. . . back in time, to when the Beatles and Michael Jackson were unknown, Disneyland was barely 6 years old and a whole new Disneyland was a step away, I was not yet in kindergarten, Hawaii had just become a fascinating state of the Union, civil rights sucked, and John Fitzgerald Kennedy just became President.
Here is an interesting, small sample of the top artists and hit songs of 1961: Mary Lou, Raindrops, Elvis Presley, Travelin’ Man (courtesy: niekesje,Manny Mora, Elvis Presley + SVansay). A brand new way to dance was the Twist. The Twist showing you how. Started in America, then became a worldwide sensation. Thanksgiving time '65, with mom and my brother. Author to the right, who grew up in Boyle Heights, on Gless St.

The 1960s, moreover, had no Blue-Rays or CDs, or home computer anythings. Computers of the sixties were large, with their hardware needing to occupy a massive room, whether they were in use for a business firm or NASA. The Academy Awards bestowed the following for 1961: Best Movie, The Apartment; Best Director, Billy Wilder in The Apartment; Best Original Score, Exodus; and Best Visual Effects, The Time Machine (thanks Classic Movie Guy). These are just a few categories. Speaking of the 1961-62 era, that was just 2 years away from the Olympics, when an unknown Billy Millls, a Native American, upset the world in the long-distance race of 10,000 meters during the 1964 Olympics, and ..., the domain of big change in social justice was struggling a year later, where it began in America.
The movements for humanity were filled with climatic scenes of change; some were evil, like the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Robert Kennedy. Mid-decade, with God's grace, the fireworks of adversity, the evil of prejudice was slowly being overcome, as evil gave way to marches and the nucleus of peace, a dream of Pastor Martin Luther King, Jr. But, it all began with an idea, an idea of peace.
In terms of Christianity, ill winds are blowing. And, this is not a fanciful idea.
Hot on the heels of the passing of a Sister Sasagawa (Aug 2024) every pesky ingredient to the prophecy of Akita—sorry to say—is arriving, or has arrived, to the forefront of Christian watchers, like the story of the prophecies of Malachy of Ireland. The core of Akita is related to Fatima, as is the core of Garabandal despite it being foreign to some, but knowledge of Akita hit world-wide attention 8 years after 1965 when a little known nun named Agnes, who was partially deaf, began receiving apparitions (October 13, 1973). She was given the announcements that happened to be exactly on the 56th Anniversary of Fatima. And, before she died, she could hear. No lie can live forever. "My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord...And, His truth is marching on." Freedom is central to the United States, and when given a better chance, the truth will eventually shine. When I was in school, Akita seemed distant like millions of miles away . . . not anymore. Whether you are young, or know little of Akita or aren't some devout Catholic, no where in the past is it ringing as true, as today. If you are young, you have a whole future to make something of yourselves, which starts from the heart. Think about that. Even though your decade is different, hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow are not. Don't be chicken that "no one knows the hour and time, so no big deal" or heck, "You are fed up with all this talk of prophecies." Or, you can turn blue in the face trying to listen to all kinds of opinions. All you need to do is look-up the actual words (warnings) like what Akita has to say. Why over Garabandal? Because it is a stronger apparition and ask yourself, "Do the ingredients hit us in 2024?" You may not know it, but all 3 apparitions have similar messages; below the smog picture, are two sound bytes that may or may not pertain to our times, but at least you were warned. Each generation can be remembered for something, despite paused by lies. We have a long way to go in this decade. What’s it gonna be for you? A fascinating, better tomorrow, or will division and divisiveness be the force of tomorrow? If a photo does not appear, refresh your page.

Smog Alerts
In the early sixties, more cars ran on 8-cylinder engines from America’s leading companies than anything else. Gas was about 30 cents a gallon, but in Los Angeles, sometimes smog was so bad, kids were kept indoors during many periods of the decade, even during school time, ie. no recess outside. If you got time, check out the heartbeat of transportation in L.A. in a PDF I Posted on growing up in L.A. found under bio. The theme of cleaning up America was still a few years away. Many thought, "ah, baloney, it is not that bad." Look at the picture. Do you think it was pretty bad?

The above were recently posted on October 2, 2024. Historian Xavier Ayral interview, (part of) the entire hour which is here: Elijahs Cloak. Neues Europa which was printed in 1963 during the US, UK and USSR accord prohibiting nuclear weapons testing in outer space, underwater or in the atmosphere is in my ebook. 1963 is the same year Dr. Gennaro Goglia secretly injects a serum of chemicals into the newly deceased body of Pope John XXIII to block decomposition, which may be neither here nor there. But, note, it is 56 years from 1861 to 1917. Note it is 56 years from 1917 to 1973. La Salette and Akita are discussed. Both are approved by the Church. What is 56 years from 1973, may I ask? Xavier dares to tell. If you don't know their stories, then it means beans to you. But, this is like a secret code of WW II. Note the report's words, the first quarter of the 21st Century. You now have access to the twinkle of time tethered for over 100 years in space. I know the love for Our Blessed Mother is strong in many societies, and it becomes vibrantly stronger with the love of both Jesus and His Mother Mary. Remember, the internet can serve as a cushion to when the time comes, be it, as described here or not. If you like history, perhaps this 59 minute link may be interesting to you, especially if you have a great interest in history, courtesy of Brother Xavier and Brother Adrian, who is a grand link to Filipinos 'round the world via Adrian Milag TV. Historically, the nation of the Philippines has been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, first on Dec. 5, 1954 by then President Ramon Magsaysay, then June 8, 2013 followed by the year of COVID-19, and then on Dec.9, 2024 the Philippines was consecrated led by Provincial Custos Friar Emmanuel Giva in Tagaytay City.
Now, let us continue.
To continue with the 60s, I remember the skies would turn yellow. As a kid, I knew it was horrible if we were not allowed to go outside and play, because if we did, our eyes got all watery and they hurt.
We had transistor radios, teflon, electric and non-electric typewriters. Although the history books say teflon was created by some scientist in the late 1930s, I remember my mom making a big deal about teflon in the sixties; teflon coated pans are now replaced by GenX and PFBS. This was the Age of plastics and aluminum, neon signs and rotary telephones, which by the mid sixties came in a variety of dazzling colors. Before the sixties ended, we had telephones with push-buttons. The 1960s is a long series of years, and as in any decade, it changes in form from the start to the end.
An ice cream sundae was about 40 cents, a hot dog and a soft drink for 45 cents, and if your dad felt extravagant, he splurged the family on a double-deck hamburger w/fries, salad, and an ice-cream for dessert, all for a dollar. A chili dog 35 cents, coffee 10 cents, steak sandwich on toast 75 cents. You could fly from Orange County to San Francisco for $14.85 on Air California, in 1968. The first rockets to space were Mercury and Gemini—then, Apollo. For $7.99, Astronaut Space Walk Mystery. These things were all rather unknown to the villagers of Garabandal then, which was pretty backwards.
Boy Scouting and camping were a big deal. I remember, I later had a GI-Joe. We would collect Blue Chip or Green stamps to buy things out of catalogs. Summers were fun with Slip ’N Slide, staying out late til dusk with no fear of getting kidnapped. Everybody in the neighborhood knew everybody. Everybody who could afford a bike, rode one. In the later nineteen-sixties, my brother and I had a Schwinn-type bike with a white banana seat and chrome fenders that I shined a lot, until my wife threw it out; the big dummy, it would be worth a lot today. Looked like this one in this link except it had cool, whitewall tires, both tires had chrome fenders, a little light in the front encased in shiny chrome, was 5-speed, and it had a water bottle. Looking at downtown Los Angeles on 6th Street, very sharp electric trolley-buses; used no gas.

A telephone connected to an outside line was common in American families. The slogan "Reach out, reach out and touch someone" actually can be traced to the 1930s. The above Princess telephones were introduced in 1959 and contained a light-up dial for use as a night-light. 20 Things from the 1960s. Everything he said is 100% correct, courtesy America Before. July of 1965, Union Carbide Corporation began to test the first picturephone network.
Communication was more verbal than today, not dependent on the internet and compared to today, cost pennies to communicate, but you could not share pictures or gather information as you do on a Smart phone, which is more a small mobile computer with microphone and speaker. Telephones were a primary way of social interaction. I remember playing with erector sets, slinky, Gumby and 3-D View-Master sets. I simply loved the View-Masters, as I could imagine going to far-away worlds that spurned my imagination in the 1960s. They had tiny stereo Kodachrome color pictures that when viewed through a viewer, created the illusion of three-dimensional scenes. When looked behind a viewer were the forerunner to todays virtual reality, as they were in 3-D, and very, very cool.

A little trivia on the GAF View-Masters
An amazing story to the View-Masters is of an inventor-designer Charles Harrison (below), unheralded designer from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and the Illinois Institute of Technology. Mr. Harrison (Chuck) redesigned the View-Master viewer that was introduced in 1958. The model before him was called the Model E. He designed the Model F, which used 2 C-cell batteries to power an internal light source to make the pictures come to life. I have an original model (mint). Fifty years later in 2008, Mr. Harrison won the Cooper-Hewitt Lifetime Achievement Award. Great designer, he was a distinguished Black American, and hardly anybody ever hears of him. Chuck also designed Model G which first came in beige plastic. Production ran from 1962-1983. He lived during the era of great industrial designers, such as Donald Deskey (known for the interior of Radio City Music Hall), Raymond Loewy (transportation designer for the auto and railroad industries, and the Greyhound Scenicruiser). Walter D. Teague used his imagination on the Kodak Brownie camera and who helped design the double-deck Stratocruiser (1945), forerunner to the jumbo jets of today, and Henry Dreyfus that included Thermos, Hoover, Bell telephones and the bullet-shaped Hudson locomotive. The following are a few pictures of my View-Masters which I still own, including the special lighted stereoscope with elevated handle and projector. View-Masters are a trademark of Mattel, Inc. Girls would play with Barbie and easy-bake oven sets. A photo of the fine Model F is after the Fatima packet.

Pictures when viewed in models D and F appear a bit bigger than model A of the WW II era or later models. In 1954, a special View-Master set was made of the Sainthood of Pope Pius X taken in Rome, Italy, May 29, packet # CZPX. St Malachy called Pope Pius X Burning Fire; 3 items of interest happened during his pontificate: the Tunguska explosion-fire, Halley's Comet, and WW I. By law of the Church, a person is eligible for Beatification if, two authenticated miracles can be attributed to him after his death. Attaining the title of "Blessed" a Beatus qualifies for sainthood. Not until the miracles of 1951 and 1952 did the Church feel him qualified after intense study. The first miracle attributed to him was the healing from cancer of the bone in 1928 on a Catholic nun. John Thavis, best-selling author, former chief of Catholic News Service, expresses that by 1982 two miracles were required for beatification and two more for canonization, but in 1983 it was reduced to one for beatification and one for canonization, which makes two.

Another Canonization occurred on June 12, 1954 of five other Blesseds, including Domenico Savio, disciple of St. John Bosco, the founder of the Salesian Order, which is also included in this set. The photographer who took the pictures of the canonization was American-German and inventor of the View-Master viewer William Gruber, who was the only commercial photographer allowed into the sanctuary. He even received a private audience with Pope Pius XII. The 3-D photography is stunning even after all these years, and you can see Pius XII in 3-D. A little booklet accompanies the set but there are no photos on either booklet cover (above) or packet holder envelope.

A model D View-Master on a special stand, released in 1969, was normally sold with an expensive set on Chinese Art. However, I was able to find one that was sold separately at the turn of the century, in mint condition. The base is adjustable for a custom height and tilt possibility. Model D was produced between 1955 and 1972, has adjustable lenses and a magnification 7.35x and is considered to be the prestige item of all Viewers. It is a rare item to find, as are the ATOMIC TESTS IN 3-D and Harry Potter.

On a Saturday, July 1, however, about 60 years ago, four girls in a little village called Garabandal were given a message by an Angel. A story develops, known as the revelations of Garabandal, and it became cataloged as a historical existence by the author. Press on to discover the story of when Europe, 1961-1965, awoke and found itself in a story stranger than strange. The historical setting is well researched. Your setting belongs to a new decade. In March of 1962, a mysterious letter arrived at the home of Conchita (below in light blue sweater) by post. It was not typed, addressed to the four seers and, was unsigned. It mentions of a supernatural communication received by the sender regarding Garabandal, and was written in Italian, dated March 3, 1962. The sender’s identity was soon discovered, giving rise to a close bond with the seers. Conchita would later go on to visit him. It was from Padre Pio, now a saint, of Pietrelcina (1887-1968). Conchita opened the letter. In various accounts it is said a Félix López, a seminarian from Bilbao, was present when she first opened it. It is not so. He was in contact, later.
In February of 1975, in an interview for the magazine Needles, currently Garabandal Journal, Conchita talked about her reaction to this letter. This is the text and information of the letter: in pdf.

Letter 1962
herewith PDF

Two personages our modern-day Vatican and Pope Francis will never mention connected to Vatican II: Metropolitan Nicodemus (above left, aka Nikodim and secret KGB agent, died during a reception by Pope John Paul I) whom Russian translator Stefania Falasca called him one important in the history of Ecumenism, and Rev. Yves Congar, a bona-fide anti-Fatima Dominican.
The following is from the "Pensamiento Alaves" which ran an interesting article by Dr. Jose de la Vega, describing his visit to San Sebastian de Garabandal April 27, 1962. "Since June 18th last, the Blessed Virgin has been walking almost daily through the twisting streets of a little village….This is the claim of four little girls…." The entire village, with its bare seventy families, had been in a state of confusion for months. Once, or even several times, each day, at various hours, the children prayed with, talked and blew kisses to the Virgin Mary, while lost in a deep ecstatic trance. Author's note: The Blessed Virgin was appearing through the village, not walking through it.
"The Church has prudently refrained from giving an opinion. Even the most incredulous doctors finally admit that the goings-on defy logical explanation. But, day after day, thousands of believers hailing from distant parts arrive at the hamlet, fervent in their faith and tears of emotion in their eyes; and in their faith they find the sole explanation of this extraordinary series of occurrences that is lived over and over, night after night, in San Sebastian de Garabandal,” wrote Dr. de la Vega.
A new Video in color on St. Padre Pio and Garabandal. Please advance podcast to 1.42 min mark, as it takes forever to load.
Below, you will find two PDFs that offer you a glimpse at my research, including what happened in 1961, as seen in the history book, Alert: For the Times, Book of Secrets. Concerning the story of Garabandal, there are those who say based upon past practices and investigations, there is the absence of clear supernatural proof. And, since the 1960s, neither Rome nor the local bishop has approved the apparitions. Of course, there is a lack of proof, because the Catholic Church whenever it has conducted their investigations has not done proper investigations; I should know, read my book. Do a google, and at the top you will find a clear-cut sentence, that four successive bishops of Santander have viewed the supernatural chapter of Garabandal as unfounded, and this holds true when you do a lousy and bad investigation. Supernatural proof and the lack of it is the common decades-long theme cleverly promulgated. My research, which contains official documents, Noticiaro-Documental, photos, the history of Garabandal, Fatima and the Consecration, in a way no other book assembles, a beautiful work of art hopefully to unconfuse the mind, when you read the book, is a monument of many years. Incidentally, this web page is not just about past history, but towards where we are going.
One corollary, pertains to the disclosure and the historical parameter on Papa Papa. I will not spell it out here. Read the book. Note very carefully, as 70-80% of the links in the sample are working, live links. When you see a word in a purply color, press it, and it will wisk you to a link, just like in the book, if you are connected to the internet. [This is an added dimension to our story.]
I was fortunate to run into an article by Andrea Gagliarducci of CNA, Catholic News Agency, who wrote on the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council. At that particular point in time, the Western free world and the pro-Communist world were engulfed in a so-called Cold War. 1962 was a big year with lots of very big international events. The Oral Polio Vaccine which protects an individual against polio paralysis; the satellite Telstar went live to provide the first trans-Atlantic TV signal; America and the USSR conducted the most number of nuclear tests of any calendar year (at least 178); an electromagnetic pulse from a high-altitude nuclear test in the Pacific turned off street lights all over Oahu; John H. Glenn, Jr was the first American astronaut in orbit; the Yankees won the World Series against the San Francisco Giants; the Cuban Missile crisis, and Vatican II began in Rome.
In conjunction with the 60th anniversary of Vatican II is the secret meeting by Cardinal E. Tisserant and Metropolitan Nikodim who met in Metz, France before the start of Vatican II, which in essence is a secret agreement that Communism would not be a topic put to the discussions during proceedings of Vatican II. October 12, 1962, Russian Orthodox observers landed at Fiumicino Airport to attend and watch Vat II Council abide by the Metz Pact. Metz additive. Even today, very few people know that Pope John XXIII agreed to the desires of the Russians to also see that "no condemnation" of Soviet Russia would be ever allowed during any Council debates, meetings, and protocols. Ditto on the topic of consecration. This is not an attack on Vatican II; this is factual history.
It took many, many months of in-house persuasion in Vatican II, including by Cardinal Wyszynski and the Belgium rep of the Blue Army, Miss Emma Folon, and various petitions to finally get the Pope to issue something also about the consecration. Moreover, there was no special consecration as requested to the Immaculate Heart of Mary made by the bishops in 1964, as requested by Heaven. The word consecration was not even mentioned.
The elementals of Vatican II—in quite an informative video, which enlightens your mind, is a video that should be seen in its entirety. It names names. This Council was not the only council in the history of the Church, but unlike other councils, for the length of a good 60 years, with the implementation of this council there is something that is not too exemplary in anybody’s portfolio: the Catholic Church has been effectively going downhill. Vatican II is from the 1960s, an era of the hippie movement, experimentation, drugs that blew your mind, before fentanyl and the openers of the internet. This video should be seen at your leisure, it also has excellent sound bytes besides a blast of information, the first 8 mins are critical to hear. It lasts an hour, so figure yourself some quality time to listen to it, however, if you are under severe time constraints, these are the most profound parcels of information: from the 22 to little past the 55 min. mark, besides the first 8 mins. Read one of the descriptive comments where they closed Catholic schools left and right; in view of this one must add, numerous churches in the United States also were closed all over, and in retrospect, must be questioned, why is Sunday attendance at church continuing to fall while the number of Catholics has increased since the 1960s? No not since the 1950s, but since the late 1960s with no reversal in sight. The so-called hippie movement was decades ago, and we have had a series of new generations, but the stats still stink. Supplementive information is unearthed by reading the history book Alert For The Times, Book of Secrets. It is more than the beuracracies of the Tridentines vs the new order.
A considerable number of adults who were alive in the 1950s remember Fatima seemed to be in the public venue via numerous books and Bishop Sheen's popular TV hit who spoke often favorably about Fatima. Popular culture of the Catholic faith reminded people of the power of prayer, and that was one thing, but also within the walls of the Vatican, Fatima was a big deal. Pro-Perfect of the Holy Office, Cardinal Ottaviani was told by Sister Lucia in 1955 the Third Secret was not to be opened before 1960, and when he asked why, was told, "Because then it will seem clearer." A year later, Rev. Schweigl in Fatima e la conversione della Russia titled a chapter of his work "Towards the Year 1960..." and wrote that the third part of the message must remain secret until 1960. So 1960 came and went. The 1962 Metz Pact came and went. Out of these two years the end result was that messages from Our Lady were dumped while messages and courtesies regarding a Communist message were elevated. The Russians made suckers of the Catholic hierarchy, led by Nikodim, a secret KGB agent. What was enacted in 1964, namely a so-called Consecration of 1964 did not fulfill the request made by Our Lady, because it did not follow directions and formed only a token gesture of 1964.
These only form a microcosm of events from the mid 1950s to mid 1960s, and much more is revealed in my Historical Keypoints which is tucked inside the wonderful digital book, and it all goes beyond the 1960s. Few people of today realize that when high-ranking bishops headed towards Rome, many desired to pay a little visit to Portugal to see Sister Lucia on their way to Vatican II, but were not allowed. Pope John XXIII had issued a new visitation rule that no one was allowed to see her without "explicit permission," not even Rev. Aparicio, Lucia's own confessor of many years. The seal of disapproval was stamped from 1960 onwards, and was condoned by both John XXIII and Paul VI.
A photograph of the village of Garabandal from the decade of the 1960s. Below are my two special sample PDFs.
Historical Keypoints
excerpt from Alert: For The Times

An excellent source of information for many young people of today will be this documentary, which was released some months ago. It is a story for us all. Tie it in to the early 1960s and check out the Keypoints above.
This is a beautiful introduction to the story of Garabandal, begins in Spanish but is also in English, with the title Garabandal, Unstoppable Waterfall—a wonderful and exceptional video of interviews and film clips. At the 36.06 mins, the appearance of the Host; 41.50 the Great Miracle; 45.07 the night of the screams; 1.05.11, the examination and miraculous cure of Menchu, both as a teen and mother years later, which Vatican leaders want the story to be forgotten and not mentioned. Modern Vatican wants you to only remember the entire story of Garabandal has never been approved, officially, and that’s it. The actual full-length video is also available on Youtube. Too bad it came out when that dreaded COVID-19—the scourge of a lifetime—took hold of everybody’s hearts and minds. This source has searched and provides eyewitnesses of the apparitions from the decade of the 1960s. Many are still alive.
Garabandal, today (courtesy of Enya Rodd). Most roads are now paved. Note the roads cease to be rocky, complicated and full of difficulties, but when it rained 60 years ago, were rough to traverse—even in 1965. Miles and miles from Garabandal, the downtowns of America knew little of the story of Garabanda (courtesy of ChevyCaprice90.)
The extra educational videos below, form a description that is a connection to Heaven, and which, unfortunately, there are those who wish you not to acquire knowledge of the true story.
Here is footage from when the first message of Oct. 18, 1961, occurred, in rare color, You think this is harsh weather? It not only rained, it hailed and snowed. Terrible for shooting film, but, the color shows through nicely.
Garabandal is an apparition for all of us and, historically coincided with the Second Vatican Council. Time-lapse to 1965: June 19 (courtesy of Saint Joseph Publications). Unfortunately, it is silent film, which was still a normal feature in home movies of the early 60s. I grew up throughout the sixties time period, and remember home movies were made via large cameras. There wasn't any need for dirty words in either the music and movie venues, too. The Catholic faith was still strong, actually the entire Christian faith was stronger in all the America's and Western Europe compared to today. And, more people attended church services.
Speaking about sound, there was a movie called The Singing Nun which I remember quite vividly. It was a wonderful MGM movie about a real nun from Belgium that in 1963 sang herself to stardom. Although I do not recall her in 1963, in 1966-67 I do because our sisters at our grammar school, Dolores Mission, were from Belgium, and they took us to a theater to see the movie The Singing Nun, starring Hollywood star Debbie Reynolds. There were no Smartphones or Netflix, so going to see movies in a theater was special. In 1966, you could get 3 gallons of gasoline for under $1. In The Singing Nun were three songs that not only were fabulous, everybody in the class was singing them: Brother John, Dominique, and Its A Miracle. The record album The Singing Nun I still possess. On one side the songs are in English; on the other they are in French. Sounds awesome with headphones on. On Nov. 9, 1963 Dominique entered Billboard's Hot Top 100 chart, and in less than 1 month it hit #1 in America. Dominique was a mighty warrior of the Lord as the song goes, and unusual as it may seem, God was tops on the Billboard.
Imagine on the top 100 chart nationwide, it was NUMBER ONE.
At 95 years old, before she passed away, is a marvelous but short interview with Mercedes Salisachs, who is in the digital book, Alert: For the Times, Book of Secrets. The village, period from the early 60s.
The next video via a Spanish video is about the time when Jacinta saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ on this road, has Alberto providing commentary. Our male narrator, different person, begins with describing the exact route where it all started for the four girls in June, on this very same rocky, uneven lane. Around the 2.01 min. mark we meet Alberto, who briefly describes Jacinta’s July vision, as she told it to him. Sorry, the real Jacinta is not in the video; only her photo. En Español, (advance 2.20 mins) for you diehards of history out there, 1 hour el fin de los tiempos (courtesy of Saint Joseph Publications; Virgendegarabandal; Saint Joseph Publications; Virgendegarabandal; and Garabandal: Only God Knows). A popular song closed the decade of the sixties, Where Have All the Flowers Gone. I picked this 60s era song because it demonstrates that one cannot evade the chime of war that permeated the closing of the 60s, of which the Blessed Mother warned us about: war. In 1960s America, it was the Vietnam War. Pay attention to the lyrics. [ How about another tip? If viewing this on a desktop no problem, but if you were watching movies on a cell phone and then come to this page, and some pics do not show up, it would be a good idea to refresh or restart your cell phone because this page is rather memory intensive.]
Events are escalating further
In late 2023, America learns of a new and horrible escalating war over in Israel.
Things are getting as tense as it was once in 1963 over the Cuban Missile crisis, maybe even worse, especially circa the timeframe of Oct-Nov 2024. The regional war has a potential to go global. F-22 fighter jets flyover United Kingdom on route to Middle East. Ukraine-Russia news getting hotter. Our Big Blue Marble is in an arc of terror more than most realize. While deployment of U.S. ground troops is negligible, not so the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier battle groups in the Mediterranean Sea, this shows the Abraham Lincoln, courtesies of CobraEmergency, Channel 4 News, Oneindia News, ABC News, and Associated Press.
Although Lebanon has many Christians, there exists a cadre of many Lebanese who are willing to escalate the action for war. The southern part is controlled by Hezbollah and nothing is done in southern Lebanon without their say so. On Sept. 22, a month after the Miracle in Missouri of Sister Wilhelmina Lancaster, Lebanese Hezbollah troops hurled a vicious hail of missiles into northern Israel, courtesy of Currents News.
CBS reported it was in response to the most unusual way of warfare that had transpired a few days before (9-21, 9-22), namely a genius way to kill your enemy: all over Beirut, tiny wireless hand held devices, courtesy of CNN, which is the standard method of communication Hezbollah and Hamas leaders communicate with their troops, were booby-trapped to explode right in their hands.
Dozens were injured and killed. One was the top expert Hezbollah commander, Ibrahim Qubaisi, the main guy of Lebanon's rocket division. But, CBS was in error, the huge hail of rockets of Sept. 22, 2024 was not in retaliation, because soldiers of Hezbollah under Qubaisi had been firing missiles at Israel since October of 2023, missiles backed by Iran. The other networks got it right and referenced the connection. Missiles are portable and many were (are) hidden in civilian domiciles.
Things even escalated further. The Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was located by Israeli intelligence and Air Force pilots got a strategic hit with bunker-buster bombs and demolished his building with him in it, courtesy of Oneindia News. Iran then on October 1, sent dozen upon dozens of long-range missiles surpassing the Lebanese number of Sept. 22 into Israel, courtesy of ABC World News Tonight with David Muir. The largest aerial attack ever. Some were the Fattah-1, Emad and Ghadr-110, Super Missiles, courtesy of Times of India. So unlike the turn of the century, we have a world of super missiles, killer wireless hand-held devices exploding by remote-control and super-advanced F-35I jets, and potential targets like atomic plants. Thanks Max Afterburn. In late November, we now have the added feature of hypersonic missiles against NATO targets, expanding beyond the borders of Ukraine? Rhetoric or a real possibility?
Israel with her protective Iron Dome could not stop all of the rockets for so many came all at once, close to 200, courtesy of Firstpost, yet intercepted most, but vowed would strike back. Turkey, with the largest army and air force, once condemned Hamas, recently has changed their stance calling Hamas not a terrorist organization but mujahideen fighting for land that is theirs. The Muslim Hamas and Hezbollah are clever not dumkoffs and shout Muslims unite and called for retaliation for the sneaky way Israel planted triggers in hand-held devices (and some also in solar panels) to kill innocent civilians. What characterizes early autumn versus the recent past is threefold: initially, Israel military was targeting more targets in southern Lebanon, namely the rocket-launching sites, and less on the tunnel systems of Gaza. Second, with the full-scale large attack by Iran of long-range missiles, that opens up the stakes of events getting even more crazier—God help us—if Iran's nuclear installations are touched, courtesy of WION. And third, some of the biggest Hamas leaders in the world are getting knocked-off, like Yahya Sinwar.
This does not mean nada has occurred in Gaza; a school in Gaza City was struck on Sept. 21, preliminary reports 22 dead including children. This school was reported as a secret Hamas Command Center. In Gaza, many people are being starved to death. In both Gaza and southern Lebanese towns and villages, Israel has been telling the civilians to vacate areas of military hardware, areas which housed rocket launchers in garages or stored mini-ammunition dumps, camouflaged inside homes or underneath schools.
This is not WW II. Hezbollah deliberately houses their mobile launchers and ammo purely in civilian neighborhoods. Things are very hot in the Mid East. Turkey has the capabilities of mobilizing a million men in a few weeks. Turkey and Egypt are primarily Sunni Muslims. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, a founder of the terrorist Hezbollah was announced dead Sep 27. Pakistan has promised Turkey nuclear warheads if Israel attacks Turkey. There are rumors more longer-range missiles will be sent to Lebanon. Iran has a large source of missiles and rockets and you know where they stand. But, the idea of exploding wireless devices—perhaps by remote control—surely took all leaders in the Middle East by complete surprise.
About 10 years ago, the United States had a National Debt of $14 trillion. It now has a debt of $33 trillion, and still growing as the United States, it must be reminded, increases her military resources, for both the Mid East and Ukraine. (It is interesting to note, although many of you think we owe China tons of mula, China is in default on a trillion dollars on its sovereign debt to U.S. bondholders, as of Jan. 2023. AND, the U.S. in 2023 has a standing army of 450,000).
Hopefully more people will pray, as shown in this exemplary procession in NYC, courtesy of LSNTV. Young people were in attendance, don't get the screwy idea its only oldies. Such a procession, you would have never believed it in the Big Apple. See Winter Garden photo below courtesy of Gregory A. Shemitz. Many Americans saw other fiery protests on TV, but this procession of close to 3000 people, zilch.
Scores of sisters in habits along with thousands of ordinary people in addition to priests in flowing vestments, replete with candles and incense, were unafraid and took to the streets of Manhattan as New York's finest police protected them in a gargantuan procession that stopped traffic, and which I dare to say it's coverage on the news went lacking. Allow us to view this procession through the eyes of beautiful Katherine who was there that Oct. 10, 2023.
Approximately sixty years after Our Lady appeared in Garabandal, the lightbulbs should flash in your head, the world is on the brink of a world war. Our Blessed Lady had warned us, the latest comes via Fr Oliveira, if it is true. The entire discourse revolving Rev. Oliveira can be found here at the website from Carlos Caso-Rosendi, who is official intermediary. Six days after a Rosary Crusade in London, England, a new post was released on Rev. Oliveira, Oct. 18, 2024, which includes something from the sky in 2029. I am positive that many people in Europe, and neither Carlos Caso-Rosendi, Conchita Gonzalez, or Lucas Gelasio, have never heard of Major Ed Dames or David Booth, who mention of something coming that is similar, spiritual and physical.
One of Fr Oliveira's revelations describes the importance on the adoration of the Eucharist as an anchor against evil, with the chain of that anchor, the Holy Rosary, however, the Blessed Mother also said the world must change—or face a horrible global punishment, as she warned at Akita.
The latest information regarding Akita is that Sister Sasagawa passed away on Aug. 15, 2024, and after her passing, the word abuzz on the internet was similar, "the message of Akita will be fulfilled after Sister Sasagawa's death." It may or may not be important, but do not skip the sector around the 18 min mark of the next link. Knowledge is based on facts, and may I direct you to this video from people who are in the know about Akita, courtesy of Xavier Ayral and Monique. This link is a reassuring synopsis on not to subscribe to anxiety, especially when you hear about 2023-24 and the last Pope, courtesy of Return to Tradition. A December 2023 information regarding Rev. Oliveira is from last Dec. here. The Lady said do not yield to fear, but have love and courage. [Rev. Oliveira of Brazil is not to be confused with another Rev. Oliveira of Brazil, a Rev. Robson de Oliveira, from the state of Goiás, and runs the Basilica de Divino Pai Eterno, who in the news appears to be a shyster. This basilica is huge, and is a shrine and is the only one in the world dedicated to the Divine Eternal Father.]
Can it be true the presence of God converted beautiful, glamorous Megan Fox to Catholicism?
It so happened that in 2023, from another current perspective which may be neither here nor there but, I thought of passing it on in the interest of history, a new commission to study Marian apparitions not yet under "official approved status”, was led by a Franciscan, who stated in an interview to the weekly Alfa y Omega, all "apparitions which speak of the punishments from God are absolutely false." Makes one wonder how valid is his rhetoric in view of the novel developments in the Mid East. and the war in Ukraine. His new office will serve both academic and pastoral purposes; not to be confused with OISA, also created in April directed by Sister Daniela del Gaudio.
All the while, we see in and out of U.S. colleges, Islamic people worldwide scream in televised marches for both support of Hamas and for peace. Not one peep to let open the borders of Egypt and Jordan to let fellow Muslims escape. That is history.
Oct. 7 of 2023 the world witnessed a level of carnage and warfare in southern Israel that boggles the mind, and Israel vowed intense revenge because of the slaughters and began hard-core military tactics AGAINST Hamas who conducted the carnage. For weeks thereafter, both sides conducted aerial assaults and that brought added tensions. At first, by Oct. 21, the body count of dead Palestinians was 1,300; dead Israelis at least 1,400, however, total dead count is now over 35,000.
Diplomacy and war targeting did not really work to incubate and develop peace in 2023, or 2024. With so many dying, why can't Muslim leaders of Egypt and Jordan once and for all, to save Muslim babies, children and women, open their borders? Why doesn't world leadership holler to let the pitiful women and children caught in war's hell escape into the temporary safety of Egypt and Jordan? AND, that includes the big shots of the UN.
The growth of Muslim refugees in all of Europe from mid-2010 on, should be addressed. An increase of tension and fears from wilder protests, prompted the French government to place a ban on pro-Palestinian marches. Inside Germany, where it is becoming so vocally wild, pro-Palestinian protest marches were also banned; as in Berlin, and also Vienna, Austria.
Of Germany's population base, 5.5 million are followers of Islam; under 3 million are German citizens, such as Malick Thiaw and Youssouf Moukoko on her national World Cup soccer squad. For your information, I am not anti-Muslim. As the society makeup of Western Europe has changed much since the last century; it has over all skyrocketed compared to prior decades. In this period, Germany accepted the largest number of migrants, 850,000 Muslim migrants, however, this # does not take into account 540,00 more who are living in Germany but have been denied application approval. German law forbids the forced extradition of people and the political throwing them out of the country, so the 540,000 live in limbo in Germany. It is believed that if the flow of non-European non-Christian populations were to continue to mid-Century, regarding Germany, she would have the largest Muslim population in Europe, surpassing France, climbing from 5 million to 17.5 million, or 19.7% of her population with little or no ties to Christian Europe. Social tensions are rife in nations like Germany and France, the opposite of Poland. According to the European Union, Germany, France and Spain are primary destinations for “first-time asylum seekers” to Western Europe. Muslims who participated in pro-Hamas rallies in Germany in 2023 were composed mainly of the young, who hold little cultural identities of Germans. I wonder how many illegal migrants form the nucleus of the largest vocal protests in Western Europe?
The latest in 2024 inside Germany.
You do not see old foggies shouting with banners and burning vehicles.
This bears the stats that Muslims in Germany are considerably younger than non-Muslims, primarily because Muslim women have more children than non-Muslims in Germany, ditto for all of Europe. If the number of Muslim households is held to a minimum by a reversal of large volume applications into Germany, aka zero migration, the projected number would climb to 6 million by 2050, but that is unlikely to occur. Muslim refugees dwarf the asylum seekers from places like Ukraine or Eastern Europe, especially after 2020, the year of Covid.
Currently, two other European countries with the easiest open door policy of migrants are Sweden and Britain; incidentally in view of this, Britain and Germany projections are constant, namely a decline of non-Muslims while the Muslim pop. is expected to grow; politically it shows, for the first time in her history, Britain has a Muslim Prime Minister, as does Scotland. I stand corrected, "had". He was defeated in the last election. The following Pew link provides information and index low, high and medium projections for the future. Taking into account the 2016 populations, while the Muslim population in Europe is 25.8 million and non-Muslims are 495 million, by 2050 the percentage change in Europe could be a Muslim growth of 193% by mid-century, that’s 26 years from now. However, the current jazz model indicates turmoil in Europe to forthwith continue based upon the incessant Muslim youth who, as are all worldwide youth, will be prone to continue action for revolt—-no matter you take a slow growth or high growth projection. Moreover, if you are prone to think the modern European Democracies are the same as when the EU was formed, you are behind the times.
The flow of non-European non-Christian populations has seen steady growth, and as has been seen inside Germany and Great Britain in late 2023, the youth are very vociferous. Muslims now form the second largest religious community in Germany. Muslims with Arab, Iran, and Afghanistan roots account for 30% of the Islam-centric population. Non-Shia-Sunni, such as Alevism, account for only 1% of Germany’s Muslim community. The above statistics primarily are from Muslimisches Leben in Deutschland 2020 and Pew. If you notice, none are current, one is now four years old and the other is seven years old.
Hundreds of thousands of innocent Gaza civilians hearded along Gaza’s southern border are meanwhile amassed waiting, many under makeshift tents with no fuel and sparse water, with neither Jordan or Egyptian governments allowing their escape into their countries. On Oct. 19, 2023 several long-range rockets were fired by maniac militants not under control of Yemen, but nevertheless fired from proper Yemen territory, some 1,700 miles away from Tel Aviv (2,800 km) and which an American destroyer was able to intercept and destroy. But, with the slipping of time, neither side has stopped, launching, intercepting, and destroying, as of January 2025. Events became quite dicey, when the weekend of April 13, 2024, Iran launched over 300 explosive drones and fired long-range ballistic missiles at Israel, in retaliation for an Israel airstrike on Iran's embassy in Damascus which killed one of its blood-thirsty generals. The Iranian aerial attack was the first direct attack on Israel territory.
However, on Nov. 1, 2023, it must be noted, the first of some 7,000 in Gaza with foreign passports were allowed to leave the war-torn hell of Gaza via the Rafa Crossing Point. In northern Israel, at least one big city of 20,000 the population was ordered to evacuate the city. Israel soldiers are deep into their ground invasion of Gaza Strip. Beneath Gaza City are 483 km of hidden tunnels.
There is no telling how and when it will end, yet by all calculations, civilian casualties will rise due to the nature of it being the era of civilian combatants. The civilian death toll is mounting because too many civilians emphasize the call for war and lack any compassion to surrender. That is the stark reality as we try to navigate contemporary history, with the vast majority being the cold, heartless male who care not for pubic order, but who urge savagery, not women. And, it is the innocent women and children who will suffer the most.
Just think of it, about 108 years ago the British and Australians were fighting the Germans and Turk troops for the deserts of Gaza, complete with tanks. With the exception of the Ukraine-battlefronts, today's civilian deaths in 2024 reflect a high civilian mortality rate connected to the composition of a battling civilian mass. That is the sad ABC. Current battlefronts are not Iwo Jimas, Yom Kippurs, Battle of Manila and Battle of the Bulge 1945s. But, the civilian combats in 2024 are similar, in one respect, to that which one side fought in the city streets of Manila in 1945, during World War Two. Although not dressed in uniforms, they like to hide in hospitals and anywhere there are civilians, just like the ruthless Imperial Marines of Japan did, back in Feb. of 1945. And, one more observation, when more sides in combat are not uniformed soldiers, lacking any code of conduct, both sides loose the definition of the Geneva Convention. That was very big in the Second World War, however, this is not to say there were no atrocities committed in the Second World War, for not everybody was an angel. When there was a white flag, both sides respected it, and all sides wished for war to end. Will pro-Hamas Muslims in Lebanon and Iran curtail their attacks?
Economy minister Nir Barkat on Oct. 20, 2023, in an exclusive BBC interview, on Verified Live, visited a little kibbutz, examining burned out homes, ashes and ruins where the slaughter was conducted and was asked by the BBC reporter to share his feelings. In a somber tone he said, “Ive been to war, this is not war. This is Hell. I just can’t think of what those people went through….” He stated that Hamas would be wiped out from the face of the earth. “Israel has to finish this war,” he stated. He was the first cabinet minister of Israel to visit the scenes of slaughter that befell civilians of southern Israel. The acrid smell of death is about to get worse.

Peace & Love
Have a safe and Blessed day

Two tips to remember:
In February of 1977, Conchita said the event of the warning begins with the letter A.
A Dr. Luis Morales, a psychiatrist (b.1907) and original member of the Garabandal investigations, who in the 1960s tried to crush the story of Garabandal by taking Conchita to Santander and quietly placed her under therapy, and threatened to put her in an insane asylum if she did not recant. They also tried to hypnotize Conchita to make her say Garabandal is not real (but Our Blessed Mother protected her), but it was Dr. Morales who retracted his prior information twenty years later, surprising many saying that the Blessed Mother did appear in Garabandal; reported El Diario Montanés, May 31, 1983 edition.
The four seers were:
1. Mari Loli Mazón (b. May 1, 1949–died, April 20, 2009)
2. Jacinta González (b. April 27, 1949)
3. Mari Cruz González (b. June 21, 1950)
4. Maria "Conchita" Concepción González (b. February 7, 1949).