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A flicker of hope
is all that stood
. . . against barbarism.
Another outbreak of such a crisis of madness
[meaning the First World War]
would necessarily involve the destruction of
society in the public order. June 1, 1933
People cried out
for a better future.
Germany neither intends nor wishes
to interfere in the internal affairs
of Austria or to conclude an Anschluss. May 1935
If the problem is solved,
there will be no further territorial damands
in Europe by Germany. Sep 1938
It is best not to view this in landscape mode.
History and a Historian
Title: Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets
A Strange menagerie in Asia
On the other side of the East China Sea is Japan, where the first Atomic Bomb was dropped (above) and something very odd occurred. A unique miracle connected to Fatima occurred that seems quite incredible. There were two nuclear bomb blasts during WW II, one at Hiroshima and the other at Nagasaki, Japan.
The entire concept of war changed the summer of 1945.
The A-bomb blast at Hiroshima was detonated at a height of .6-1 kilometers with a temperature in excess of 20,000-30,000˚F, within 1 kilometer, with a blast wave at sonic velocity. The “fireball diameter” was probably at 2-4 kilometers. Hiroshima on fire (above). Less than a half mile from ground zero, there were eight survivors who suffered neither ill effects or death.
According to the reports, they suffered no signs of radiation or other effects experienced by all other hundreds and thousands of survivors ready 1. These survivors were 8 Jesuit priests who were part of a few Roman Catholic missions established in Japan. They were in Hiroshima that early August. One of the survivors, Rev. Johannes Siemes, S.J. is speaking.
Survivors from 1 to about 15 kilometers from blast had some form of cancer, except these German Jesuits who prayed the rosary, believe it or not--most survivors all died within 15 years, except the Jesuits. The U.S. Army never commented on how the Jesuits survived.
The airblast was felt for miles.
At 10 psi, it is now understood, a person will experience severe lung and heart damage plus burst eardrums. By 40 psi, your head will be blown off. At 80 psi, so stated Prof. Stephen Rinehart, expert on the matter, reinforced concrete is heavily damaged, and a human would be dead because your skull will be crushed.
According to eyewitness and survivor Rev. Hubert Schiffer, S.J., when he looked around after the blast, the buildings were not left standing in all directions. It is estimated that from where he was, the psi range was over 70 psi. It is believed the rectory and the church Our Lady’s Assumption were but eight blocks from the blinding center of the nuclear flash. Rev. Schiffer lived another 33 years. Schiffer believes the fervent love and affection for Christ and Our Lady of Fatima and her message is what saved him and his fellow Jesuits. Christ is the mystical head who wants us all with Himself. The love of Christ is not limited to any one nation.
A bank building with a strong steel reinforced frame was about 250 meters from hypocenter of the A-bomb and its steel walls survived, but inside a horrible fire ravaged it. Stories of survivors, one deep in the bank vault survived the blast.
Eyewitnesses from another source in a streetcar. There were 90,000 buildings in Hiroshima before the bomb was dropped; only 28,000 remained after the bombing. The following 2 pdfs are specials on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Of the city’s 200 doctors before the explosion, only 20 were left alive or capable of working. There were 1,780 nurses before the detonation, but only 150 remained who were able to tend to the sick and dying.
A nearby church, the Urukami Cathedral with its two priests who were hearing confessions and thirty of the Faithful, were cooked to a cinder. It is also known as St. Mary's Cathedral, one of the largest Christian Cathedrals in all of Asia at the time. It is now rebuilt.
The atomic bomb blast was 1640 feet (500 meters) from this Church. It had 14,000 parishoners. Most of them were killed or injured, and all of its priests were killed by the blast. There is no physical law to explain why the 8 Jesuits of Our Lady’s Assumption survived after the blast or radiation. It is a matter that defies all human logic, from the standpoint of science.
From the diary of Dr. Michihiko Hachiya, Director of the Hiroshima Communications Hospital. He saw people, “like walking ghosts. Others moved as though in pain, like scarecrows, their arms held out from their bodies with forearms and hands dangling. These people puzzled me until I suddenly realized that they had been burned and were holding their arms out to prevent the painful friction of raw surfaces rubbing together.” Surviving the Atomic Attack on Hiroshima, 1945, “EyeWitness to History, (2001).” Radiation ray particles.
The movie All That Remains is about the bomb survivor Takashi Nagai, pioneering scientist and Christian convert who lost everything. Directed by Ian and Dominic Higgins.
Rev. Paul Glynn talks about Takashi Nagai and explains why his story remains so relevant for us today.
Three days after Hiroshima, Nagasaki fell to the A-bomb ready 2. Some people have a misconception that it was chosen because of its Catholic population. There is no solid evidence thus far to indicate Nagasaki was chosen as a target because of its huge Catholic population.
Nagasaki was not even the primary target. Although research indicates it was the most Catholic of all of the cities in Japan, statistics have not yet been found for its actual Catholic population in 1945, the year the bomb hit. Religious persecutions drove them underground and greatly discouraged others from converting to the Catholic Faith. According to 2002 statistics, Roman Catholics were only a small 04.52 percent of the total population of the Nagasaki area. ready 3. All That Remains used HD DSLR cameras AND cutting edge technology of HDR (high dynamic range). It did not have its premiere in the U.S. yet, but hopefully that will change.
Below are 2 actual pictures from 1945 and one of Urukami today.
No eyeballs.
Urukami Cathedral, 1945 and today.
Mini Time Capsule
May 8, 1945 Victory in Europe. VE-Day [Total U.S. Army (including air force) casualties in Europe 177, 549 killed; 472,742 wounded; 151,920 non-battle casualties. Total U.S. Navy casualties in Europe: 5,793 killed and 6,077 wounded.]
July 2, 1945 Complete capture of Okinawa: 31,500 Americans were wounded; 7,000 were killed; Navy sustained 10,000 casualties; [108,000 Japanese fought to the death.]
July 4, 1945 Liberation of Luzon, Philippines; Luzon Campaign is militarily declared ended despite pockets of die-hards; U.S. sustains 10,640 dead, 36,550 wounded; 190,000 Japanese fought to the death.
July 16, 1945 The first Atomic Bomb test is successfully exploded in the deserts of New Mexico.
Aug 6, 1945 Destruction of city of Hiroshima by one Atomic Bomb; 8 Jesuits survive due to Fatima prayers.
Aug 9, 1945 Destruction of city of Nagasaki by one Atomic Bomb.
Aug 11, 1945 Eight U.S. airmen are beheaded south of Tokyo.
Aug 12, 1945 USS Concord bombards Shasukotan; the last naval shots of the war. Japanese conduct air strikes on Okinawa; a torpedo damages the Pennsylvania; 20 Americans dead. Task Force 38 destroys 254 Japanese aircraft.
Aug 14, 1945 Japan accepts surrender terms. The Anniversary V-J Day, special celebrations worldwide.
Aug 15, 1945 Six Hellcats from the Yorktown are attacked over Tokyo’s Tokurozuna airfield; 9 Japanese airplanes are shot down but at a cost of 4 U.S. planes. Emperor Hirohito issues radio speech to surrender. Pfc Edward Mullins, 32nd Inf Div, is killed in the Cagayan Valley, Luzon, 45 minutes before the cease-fire takes effect. President Truman announces that the acceptance of unconditional surrender by Japan is official. It takes effect at 0700 hours. Sixteen American airmen are hacked to death with samurai swords in a non-publicized orgy by Japanese officers near Fukuoka, 100 miles n. of Nagasaki. The remains were cremated and taken to Miyoko Temple. The officers were later prosecuted for war crimes. In Harbin, Manchuria, all horrendous evidence to a very secret medical compound named Unit 731 ‘the Japanese Auschwitz’ (where pow’s were used as medical experiments with glass jars of body parts and a six-foot jar containing a pow pickled in formaldehyde) ordered destroyed. Admiral M. Ugaki makes a suicide attack on U.S. forces off Okinawa and fails. Three American airmen are shot and two are beheaded in Osaka, Japan.
Aug 16 1945 About 725,000 Japanese soldiers lay down their arms on the island of Kyushu. In Rabaul, over 100,000 Japanese surrender. In China and northern Indochina, 2,000,000 Japanese troops begin to do the same. Unit 731’s Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night scheduled for September 22 is called off. This operation planned to drop millions of fleas with the bubonic plague by submarine off the San Diego Coast.
Aug 18, 1945 Aerial photographer Sgt Anthony Marchione, 20th A.F. is the last American killed in action when 14 Japanese fighters over Tokyo attack his reconnaisance unit 74 years ago.
Aug 27, 1945 Thirty Allied prisoners are executed by the Japanese at Ranau, Borneo. Mission Pigeon: OSS team rescues some 350 Allied prisoners on Hainan; main portion of the missions to rescue pows was Aug 27-Sep 20 with 1,066 supply missions.
September 2, 1945 The Second World War ended for all officially; articles of surrender signing of peace was in Tokyo Harbor aboard U.S. battleship Missouri.