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History and a Historian

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The world of today, is not as it once was, say–for example–in the 1950s. The flow of electricity, the information age and science and transportation are quite different. 

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     Historically, there are various people who don’t want you to believe in the relevancy of Fatima in the world of today.  They will use every computer trick in the world.

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    There are several points to this centering on the topic consecration and peace.  One was the discrepancy mustered circa 2007 when Cardinal Bertone showed his displeasure toward anyone trying to raise awareness to Fatima.  It is old history that more than one Pope since the 1940s and  1950s has done their own consecration but there is one, the one of 1984, that is claimed to have been set on a beautiful sunset of accomplishment.  In other words, the consecration was done in 1984 and there is nothing more to be done.

    The latest developments involving nations such as Russia and Iran rather sadly preempt that beautiful sunset.

    More than ever, the present danger of nuclear holocaust with a potential of killing every human if every nuclear weapon were fired all at once has not evaporated.

    Scenarios insist that it is no longer fantasy that weapons of mass destruction are in the hands of a military elite in Russia, Iran, and North Korea that are not afraid to deploy their weapons.  The following may even sound unreal but, North Korea has one of the largest fleet of submarines in the Pacific, as related by veteran submariner Kenneth Sewell to Art Bell Oct. 8, 2006.  Dames, furthermore, is quoted as saying that in the North Korean Communist regime, it is not Kim Jong-u who is running the show, but some of his generals, which includes his aunt, a 4-star generaland, on the ropes would be Red China.  

     Wars are part of the story of Fatima.  Maj. Dames in an interview of April 23, 2013, told George Noory on Coast To Coast AM not even the U.S. government knows this one (at that time):  there was a devious, diabolical plan of transporting by submarine already-developed devices to be placed off the coasts of Hawaii and the West Coast of the U.S.   They would abrogate old-fashioned long-range missile launches.  

     Originally, Major Dames’ team thought those devices were nuclear mines.  Butnot so claimed Dames–he corrected that proposition, and stated that they would have the potential to be set off as close to U.S. territories and harbors as possible, if the U.S. attacks North Korea. 


     In January of 2016, N. Korea exploded a nuclear bomb. According to ABC reporter Martha Raddatz on ABC World News Tonight, January 6, 2016, this was “North Korea’s fourth nuclear test since 2006, and the North has the means to deliver those weapons.” Incidentally, two other developments warrant mention: in September of 2017, the world was transfixed on North Korea’s claim that it detonated a miniature H-bomb to protect itself from “war mongers like the United States.”  And, in early November of 2022, North Korea went flashing off  it’s missile launches as it there was no tomorrow. 

    Before Pope Benedict retired, he made two pertinent statements, one on May 13, 2010, as described in the ebook, and one two days earlier, during an airline interview.  Both will be mentioned once more here.  

     As a world was draped in a darkish depression/recession and also war, Pope Benedict said that whoever thinks the prophetic mission of Fatima is ended deceives himself.  This shows that the once Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith–if you remember your history–reversed himself on the relevancy of Fatima.  Years before, under his tutelage as Cardinal–an intelligent cardinal with two doctoral degrees, and also obedient to Secretary of State Sodano–followed the main devaluement of Fatima, that Vatican officials had followed for decades:  To do things the Blessed Mother never asked for.   And, now, he reversed policy and made an astronomical statement by saying the story of Fatima is important.  Was that an automatic statement?  Not so, for it was a truly remarkable opposite statement from what a Vatican had tried to play that Fatima is no longer relevant to world peoples.



     On his journey to visit the Fatima Shrine in Portugal, on May 11, 2010, the Pope debunked the idea that the Third Secret was just a visual depiction of past events, and that it was a false claim that the attacks against the Catholic Church are mainly coming from the outside. 

      The following is verbatim what Pope Benedict XVI told reporters while on the seemingly forgotten May 2010 jet flight:
...this great vision of the suffering of the Pope, which we can in substance refer to John Paul II, are indicated future realities of the Church, which are little by little developing and revealing themselves. Thus, it is true that beyond the moment indicated in the vision, it is spoken, it is seen, the necessity of a Passion of the Church that naturally is reflected in the person of the Pope; but the Pope is in the Church, and therefore the sufferings of the Church are what is announced....
    The following is what also stands out: “As for the novelty that we can discover today in this message, it is that attacks on the Pope and the Church do not come from outside, but the sufferings of the Church come precisely from within the Church, from sins that exist in the Church.  This has always been known, but, today we see it in a really terrifying way: that the greatest persecution of the Church does not come from enemies outside, but arises from sin in the Church.” 

      (Within three years, Benedict citing health reasons, announced to the world he had to resign, and two days before he resigned, stated he would continue living within the Vatican and be called Pope Benedict XVI (Emeritus) for which there is no precedent in Church history.)  

      However, the novelty was cast. 

      The attacks on the Pope and the Church do not come from outside, but... precisely from within the Church....This has always been known, but, today we see it in a really terrifying way: that the greatest persecution of the Church does not come from enemies outside, but arises from sin in the Church.

     Benedict tells us that the Church’s own members–enemies of the Catholic Church–were destroying her from within.  It leaves one to shed a tear, for it is so sad.  Technically, if left uncorrected, a tipping point will be reached that may spell doom for the internal structure of the Faith and possibly (probably) lead to a chastisement of the entire world.

      His view could mean any one form of dark forces within the Vatican, be they factors in the Church hierarchy who want some reform, pro-one world society types; followers of the 3rd A/C forewarned by Nostradamus; debunkers of the power of the Blessed Mother; accomplices for the spread of pro-homosexual rings within the Vatican; plain, old, crafty practitioners of Freemasonry, or all of the above. 

      An infiltration via a high internal level at the Vatican was an absurd idea some 80 years ago, no matter which features of dark forces within the Vatican you choose to believe in.

     The prophetic mission of Fatima is ongoing, however, now would be a fitting moment to restate what Rev. Malachi Martin told us concerning Fatima and also Garabandal, that it is a mini-repetition of Fatima.  Our Lady of Garabandal spoke about love, and how to love God and deepen our faith.  As you can tell, she is important in out treatise.  Along with various messages given were certain prophecies that contained future events, which before in this book were not that elaborated.  One must remember, there’s nothing against the Catholic Church’s teachings in every message and prophecy of Garabandal.

     Certain things were given to Mari Loli and Jacinta during two nights of the screams beginning June 19, 1962, when they were shown a warning and a chastisement.  It has been 60+ years since, and as the world turns, in retrospect is little known by the average person, but what is worse is that the world is living a carefree existence, induced in free will as though many think there is no God or they are above God.  Less people go to church than 60 years ago.

     Evil, mass shootings pilfer along with pornography.  

     The Lady meant what she said.  She said words that astonished the world with prophecies of dramatic events.  Yet, what pertains to that so-called night of the screams?  Let’s see how much you know about them.  The night of screams pertains to a chastisement, however, two things must precede it.  A. A warning.  Then in following order, B. The Miracle. C. Chastisement.  A, as understood, will be a celestial warning, visible worldwide in a world no longer sensitive to God’s will and the dictates of Christianity.  It will be a time, it is said, when people can reflect on their lives, about all the things that were, and all the things that could have been.  It is meant to trigger our conversion.  It will come at a time worse than the 1960s, and it will not kill us. 

     Then, follows an amazing miracle, that is a sign from God.  This sign, according to Conchita (9-14-1965) is something “never before seen on earth.”  “It will be evident that it is not a sign from this world,” same date citation.  It can be televised and photographed.  The miracle will happen in Garabandal.  It will be greater than the Miracle of Fatima on Oct. 13, 1917.  Its purpose is so that humanity can change and begin building a better world tomorrow.  For whom?

     Conchita once asked Our Lord Jesus, “Is it to convert many?”  She was told, “No Conchita, it is to convert the entire world.”  

     One more interesting revelation is that the amazing miracle will occur on a Springtime Thursday evening at 8:30 pm Garabandal time, between the 8th and 16th of March, or April or May.  Some say during any of the Blessed Mother’s feastdays.  It will coincide with the feast day of a young martyr of the Eucharist.  Prior to his death in 1968, St. Padre Pio saw this amazing miracle.  Conchita will be the one to announce it eight days in advance. 

     This leads this author to conclude that this great miracle will occur, and to come, or appear after the announcement within the lifetime of Conchita.  Although there is no mention of the Antichrist by Our Lady of Garabandal, a crossing of time can possibly involve the interplay of the A/C and Lucifer, who will not only do all in their power to mitigate that it comes from God, but as stated on page 82, we have entered the era of Petrus Romanus and the era of the one who “renovates the whole Christian Church” from the 50th parallel.  He precedes the reign of the 3rd A/C.

     The prophetic order of events is that the great miracle occurs within one year after the warning, according to Mari Loli, and this may give impetus for the A/C to act.

     If people change and convert, there will be no chastisement.

     But, that is a big if.  In our universe, I believe there will be doubters galore.  And, I foresee the usage of the internet to muck the prophecies of Garabandal, bring disbelief and dissension despite the warning.  The pursuit will be anti-catholic, but I could be wrong.  Affixed to the prophecies of Our Lady of Garabandal is the chastisement if people do not heed her messages.  The serum to all of the ugly punishment will be if people change and pray but if not, we enter the world of the screams of 1962.



     About a month before the little miracle of the Communion Host of July of ’62 as related in this book, the children were revealed the conditional chastisement.  On the night of June 19, 1962, the Lady forbade people to follow and accompany the kids to the top of the pines, however, people were able to go up to the edge of the houses.  The children were shown something nasty for humanity, so cruel and horrible it made Mari Loli and Jacinta scream in terror, loud enough that night so that eyewitnesses said they heard them cry out in screams for 50 minutes, including, “No, no! Not the children!  Don't let it happen.”  The next night, they were revealed that the chastisement is conditional.  

     Foremost, it has nothing to do with evil dictators.  It will have nothing to do with revolutions or war.  Mari Loli stated that the punishment “would be worse than having fire on top of us, fire underneath us and fire all around us.”  The heat will evaporate water.  Motors will not operate.

     People in fear and distress will turn on each other, but their actions will be futile.  They will see it all comes from God.  All Catholics should go to confession before the chastisement arrives.

     Perdition means to loose one’s soul.  Your soul is captured by Satanic forces if you loose your soul.  The constant living in a state of sin, be it greed, lust—the tally is compound from all cushions of sin including adultery, jealousy, homosexuality, envy, to the pinnacle of pinnacles, murder, leads to the mess of sin where one is insensitive to God’s will.  All that will come to pass within 12 months after the miracle, which can start as early as a March before, but not after May.

     The crucial thought will be will humanity as a whole change and repent?  Or, will they continue to follow the trance of disbelief?  

     Everyone on earth has a file, using earth terminology.  Mari Loli who knew the year of the warning-chastisement is gone. It is highly unlikely Conchita will live to be 100.  She is 74 in 2023.  Nineteen years ago, the Pope of the Solar Eclipse was still alive,  He along with the Glory Olive Pope are gone.  Is the warning about the “renovator” who is to precede the rise of the 3rd A/C be judgeably accurate?  What I detect, the warning will be worldwide but what I understand not so the miracle.  However, when it comes, it can be photographed and recorded, but enough to change people?  

     Only time will tell.  Nevertheless, because the war in Ukraine is ongoing in 2023, it leaves one with another transcendence in time prophecy, one by Blessed Elena Aiello of Italy.  

     How and when this will play out leaves one to wonder on mystic’s Aiello warnings beside those of Garabandal and the 3rd A/C.   She passed away in 1961.  She left this message as given to her:  If people do not return to God, a Great War of terror and death will come from East to West.  I think we are in that possible realm, now, although only in the beginnings of it.  “Russia will march on all the nations of Europe and will raise her flag over St. Peter,” she stated.  A purifying fire will fall on all, Aiello added, like snowflakes on all nations and a large part of humanity will be destroyed. “The sky will be covered by thick darkness, and the earth will be shaken by terrible earthquakes that will open deep chasms.  And, cities and provinces will be destroyed, and everyone will cry that the world is ending.”

     Rome will also be punished in justice for her many and grievous sins because the scandal has reached its climax  “But, the good who suffer and are persecuted for justice and righteous souls, need not be afraid,” Aiello related, “because they will be separated from evil and stubborn sinners, and they will be saved.”

     Before she passed away, Blessed Aiello was told on Good Friday in 1961 by Our Lady of Sorrows: Terrible disasters will strike the nations causing destruction and death.  Russia, encouraged by Satan, will try to dominate the whole world and will spread its false teachings through bloody revolutions among all nations, especially in Italy.  These are just a tip of the conical projections of warnings unrolled by Blessed Elena Aiello, more can be found if interested, including on YouTube.


      An occupation of the Vatican by dark and foreboding forces?

      It is prudent to remember this important key: Hoping to use the power of the press, a modern Vatican has contended that the vision of the 3rd Secret, as released in 2000, pertains to events of the past, and that, moreover, it portended nothing for the future. This concept to relegate the entire Fatima story to the past, I suspect, is a reason why Cardinal Bertone does what he does in relation to Fatima’s significance to current world events, including what he exemplified in 2007 on Italian television toward Scossi, which has been covered in chapter one.  His displeasure toward Scossi’s book is not the only thing that keeps his pistons running.  Also, what is practiced by many learned men in today’s Vatican appears to run in tandem with those who have a passion for one-world orders, especially the upper practitioners of the mysteries of Freemasonry (the Grand Masters, the super high-level ones).

       Historically, there are various people who don’t want you to believe in the relevancy of Fatima in the world of today.   In terms of religion, Antonio Socci’s book, which I dare to say is well written, provides information that there are two texts and two envelopes containing the Third Secret and an assertion that there was a hidden letter/envelope shown on Italian television that was connected to cover-ups in the Vatican.  

      Over 100,000 copies in English have been sold of his book titled, The Fourth Secret of Fatima.  As a tidbit of information, there used to exist links, complete with pictures about the hidden letter/envelope that is spoken in his book.  But, they are mostly absent from researchers.  We also have in the world of today, a strange, not visible story of an assault on Socci that forms a corollary to the complete story of Fatima, a story many people never heard of.  

      Seventeen years ago, on September 21, 2007, newspapermen were invited to a Vatican Telepace TV station where Bertone was to make an appearance and discuss his new book on Fatima.  Journalist Socci was there.  Instead of entering by the normal entrance, Bertone sneaked in by the service entrance.  In the courtyard of the TV station a lot of reporters had assembled.  While waiting in the courtyard, there was a commotion, most people do not tell you the story. A journalist by the name of Antonio Socci (pronounced So Che) was playing a little cassette tape for the reporters waiting, obtained by Paolini, in which Capovilla personally admits that there was an attachment to the vision published in 2000.  No sooner had he finished playing the recording when all the reporters saw security grab Socci, and also Paolini who was also there, and be forcibly removed from the premise.  Socci claimed he was assaulted.  During the Telepace interview, Bertone never mentions the existence of what Capovilla told Paolini, however, he did present a heavily edited videotape of Capovilla that was really censored, making it sound that there is nothing new about Fatima.  Another relatively unknown story has surfaced involving a Rev. Claudio Gatti of the diocese of Rome and a mystic Marisa Rossi of Rome. We ask you, upon your first impression, do not totally discard these stories as superficial, as some of the concepts focus on the Third Secret released by the Vatican in 2000. In essence, all this may be the things that St. Malachy of Ireland wrote about eight centuries ago, not just giving a certain papal list but, by what we now know, why he alludes to a destruction of a 7-hilled city. 

        On May 13, 2010 Pope Benedict stated, “Whoever thinks that the prophetic mission of Fatima is concluded deceives himself”–then, in 2013, Pope Benedict resigns in February. 

     Lightning struck the dome of Saint Peter’s Basilica within hours of the Pope’s resignation, Feb. 11, 2013 at 5:55 pm; coincidentally, the same exact hour that back on October 26, 1958 white smoke had poured out from the Sistine Chapel stovepipe telling the world that a new Pope was elected, one by the name of Federico Cardinal Tedeschini. He was elected it seems as the successor to Pope Pius XII.  However, the new Pope failed to appear at the papal balcony. Within the half-hour mark of the white smoke, there was an announcement that there was a mistake, and on October 28 a successor was picked, Angelo Roncalli, became Pope John XXIII, the Pope who possessed little love for Fatima. 
      [By the way, that 
February of 2013, Russia did massive practice runs for nuclear war.  Russian nuclear forces conducted a major war exercise. (One ace reporter who spilled the beans on the Russian alert story is Bill Gertz of the Washington Free Beacon: (it) raised concerns inside the Pentagon and with the U.S. European Command because it was the largest exercise of its kind in 20 years.... It involved a heightened alert status of Russia’s nuclear forces.”  Was the consecration done? No?  Yes?  No?   Wars have not vanished, although the USSR of 1984 is no more.)

     Mr. Gertz also pointed out: “The exercises followed a recent surge in Russian strategic bomber flights that include a recent circling of the U.S. Pacific island of Guam by two Tu-95 Bear bombers and simulated bombing runs by Tu-95s against Alaska and California in June and July.”  These exercises tested the transport of both strategic and tactical nuclear weapons near Europe and the Pacific.]

     Then, a few days after the retired Pope arrives at Castel Gandolfo, an earthquake shook the castlewhich may be neither here nor therebut the following is important.  One month after summer ended, we also had Pope Francis attempt something special.   Let us flash back to Italy toward that 2013.

       Pope Francis on Sunday, October 13, 2013, conducted a ceremony before some 150,000 people gathered in St. Peter’s Square.  He knew what Pope Saint John Paul II had said in 1982 in the English Edition of L’Osservatore Romano: “the messages of Fatima are deeply rooted in Scripture and Sacred Tradition of the Catholic Church.”   People do not realize that from August 2013, countless hours had been carried over the airwaves that the October ceremony would see the Pope consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  It was built up as a day to be special and novel. 
        Flashing back even further, in a sermon made by Pope Saint John Paul II on May 13, 2000, he said, “According to the divine plan, a woman clothed with the Sun (Apocalypse 12:1) came down from Heaven to this Earth to visit the privileged children of the Father.”

        His excerpt continued: “These words from the first reading of the Mass make us think of the great struggle between good and evil....The message of Fatima is a call to converting, alerting humanity to have nothing to do with the dragon whose tail swept down a third of the stars of Heaven, and cast them to the Earth.  Man’s final goal is Heaven....” 

     The ceremony of October 13, 2013, was touted by the Vatican as Giornata Mariana (Marian Day).  
    Before October, the planned “consecration” sparked much interest.  

    For two long months, the Vatican had been announcing the new Pope would do a consecration and special ceremony October 12-13 in Rome. (At no time did the Vatican state it was going to be a consecration of Russia.)

     In the eyes of Father Gruner and his staff of the Fatima Center, a miracle could still have happened, as the date set for the ceremony happened to fall on Sunday, October 13.  Gruner and his staff prepared a unique 4-page report that was inserted in Il Tempo, the third largest daily newspaper in Rome, with a readership of some 200,000 plus.  They also distributed another 200,000 copies by hand all over Rome of The Fatima Observer (L’Osservatore di Fatima.)  It gave a historical rundown on the Fatima apparition and the importance of the request for the Consecration of Russia.  Did it do any good?

    It is displeasing to add this historical note concerning Fr Gruner and Our Lady of Fatima because with his passing, I have seen a lubrication of dissension among the ranks since 2016 growing, which all anti-Fatima forces must surely be happy with.  Read this article, when you have free time, which deals on the topic of anti-pope, the resignation of Pope Benedict and who is calling who what. Fr Gruner, in a video within this article, mentions about a man dressed in white, the council of 1274 and that the faithful have a right to ask a Pope about certain confusing considerations. Why doesn’t someone who has connections with Pope Benedict ask him, before it is too late, what did he mean when he wrote he is not resigning “the monus” when in the Canon Law it states clearly that when a Pope resigns, he must resign the monus.  (See the little video in the above link.)

     The landscape of the world and the Catholic Church has changed little the last 20 years in relation to the story of Fatima.  Moreover, for the past 240 generations–the past 6000 years at least–man has felt and passed on the regimentals of war. 

     For sure, our modern world has witnessed a horrible growth of warring atrocities realized by people in civilian clothes who are not even in uniformed bodies. 
     The stratosphere is the limit when you consider the wars of today are guerrilla, sporadic, piecemeal land attacks, whether they are in the deserts of Syria or Yemen, the mountains, capital cities or done from running vehicles. The so-called term everybody likes to use?, a war of insurgency.  Modern wars are not the physical landscape of total wars of the past.  It is not about a nation with troops in one uniform battling against another nation-state in a different uniform anymore. 
What does the future hold?  With the attacks on New York City on 9-11, the span of attacks on European cities such as London and Paris, the most militant recent attacks (over 160 attacks against US troops in early 2024) by Iranian Revolutionary terrorists, we have, unfortunately, encountered life-changing points in history, which tear into your heart.

     This includes the state of affairs in Ukraine and the Middle East.

     It has been over 100 years since 1917, and one can only imagine how our Blessed Mother must weep for us.  The Mother whose intercession is credited with saving the life of the Pope of the 1980s. Anyone who believed a war of insurgency would be a short war and dismisses the escalation factors, must be told, as stated before, that is a dream. Yet, our Blessed Mother is not a dream.
     A Cardinal Ratzinger, who later became Pope, stated in 1984 when he had read the Third Secret, that it included the importance of “the Last Times”.  No mention of war was stated by the Vatican in 1984 or in June of 2000, or October of 2013 but Our Blessed Mother did years before.


Has the world been dipped in more wars and killings since 2013? Inescapable food for thought, the latest events in the Mid-East, the scion of war. 



     For whatever reason, the Popes of the past did not explore anything significantly new.   When Pope Francis performed his ceremony in late 2013, he did no consecration whatsoever.  Unlike the consecration-attempt of 1984, or the entrustment of 2000 when Pope Saint John Paul II ordered over 1500 of his bishops to be in Rome (the largest concentration of bishops since Vatican II), the Pope with a chemistry degree–Pope Francis–had no defining prayer of request to either the Immaculate Heart of Mary or Jesus Christ.  Nor were the words “ask” or “request” even used, as had been used in the 1930s Consecration by humble bishops of Portugal.  During his Mass of Oct. 13, 2013, in the homily, Pope Francis never dared mention Fatima even once! and, yet, one must be ever mindful of what just took place a few short months before, the strategic and tactical nuclear exercises conducted by the Russians.  I suspect, this may have had a behind-the-scenes reason why the new Pope did what he did.  Could that have been a hidden, influential force that made him to omit mention of “consecration”? 

     His prayer was beautiful, short and sweet, but was not an act of consecration.   The consecration to the world or consecration of Russia was explicitly “forgotten”, “absent” not worthy of a mention.  There were those, who said they were there, and claim the Pope appeared not to be his normal self, not full of pep but, reserved and even looked depressed.

     Who did have pep? 

     The Vatican security had pep.  The actions of the so-called Vatican police on Oct. 12 and 13 harassed Fr Gruner who was in Rome, showed lots of unusual pep to a little old priest.  Ask yourself, “Would the new Pope had permitted this, if he knew?” 

     Call it what you will, the backdrop of the Vatican is that, despite a new Pope, despite the fact cardinals Bertone or Sodano are not officially Sec. of State anymore, despite the fact immigrant Muslims urinated some years back on the statue of the Blessed Virgin, where that never ever happened before in Italy, the circumstances and events of people–by certain people–towards the world that loves Our Blessed Mother, seem to steer people away from faith in the Catholic religion who love” Our Blessed Mother.  Note: the consecration of 2023 is discussed in another section.

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