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A flicker of hope
is all that stood
. . . against barbarism.
Another outbreak of such a crisis of madness
[meaning the First World War]
would necessarily involve the destruction of
society in the public order. June 1, 1933
People cried out
for a better future.
Germany neither intends nor wishes
to interfere in the internal affairs
of Austria or to conclude an Anschluss. May 1935
If the problem is solved,
there will be no further territorial damands
in Europe by Germany. Sep 1938
Who was it that said, “Throughout every civilization, from seers infinite to the obscure, comes what could be a single unusual prophecy or final warning that is known as Armageddon, 3 days of darkness, the great chastisement or purification, or simply the end of time.”

What do the three persons above have in common with Rev. Andrew Wingate?
Who is Rev. Andrew Wingate?
Rev. Malachi Martin, Rev. Nicholas Gruner and Chris Ferrara
Rev. Malachi Martin, Rev. Nicholas Gruner and Chris Ferrara (above) greet you and all warn about the coming of an Antichrist.
Thank you for your interest in this ebook and for purchasing it. We are only at the entrance of what’s to come. The things our three authors (above) divulge appear in the book Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets. These interpretations are not conjectural.

This is the interior of Fr Wingate’s little Chapel, where he says mass every day.
As I was listening to an old Benny Goodman radio recording, I could not help wonder about what I had learned from the past. There are several things about Reverend Andrew Wingate I learned. This web page is one of the best sources on the Catholic priest Rev. Andrew Wingate, and most of the source material on this page is not found on any other venue, physical or digital. He is a pious, devout man. Deeply religious. He once worked for the US Army. He possesses a unique history. Did you know Reverend Wingate had met Saint Pope John Paul II several times and the Pope regarded him highly? That has been a secret, until now. He is a mystery mystic and exorcist. And, Washington DC has a dossier on him.
For young people, he seems a reactionary priest. Nevertheless, he possesses an ominous gift of telling us what is in store. Do not go by just what you find on the internet elsewhere, for it is shallow, and does not provide authentic words on what he has to say, especially regarding the story of Fatima.
Lucia dos Santos when she was very young.
Next picture is of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the hallway of Wingate's residence.

We have seen dramatic changes in the Catholic Church that has diminished it since the 1960s, not from the 1950s.
Did you know there were 168,527 nuns in the United States in 1960? Three years later it grew to 180,000 nuns. But it tumbled to 63,000 by 2010 (some say 56,000) and by 2018 around 45,100. Going back in time, seventy years ago there were 7,914 parochial schools in America; then in 1960 : 9,897 and then grew some more to 10,503 in 1965. In 1965 there were 126,000 adult baptisms; in 2002 it plummeted to 80,000. The number of sisters tumbled from 39.43/10,000 to 11.56, a decline of 71%.
When the Catholic population was 48 million in the United States some 60 years ago (in 2020 it was 61.9 mill, a few decades before was 78 mill), the number of students in elementary parochial schools were 4.5 million students in 10,503 schools. The number of students today in elementary parochial schools is now down to about 1.3 million students in some 5,600 elementary schools. The geographic regions with the most students are the Midwest and Great Lakes regions encompassing almost 45% of the total Catholic school population. The West has about 21%. As for the high school department, about 50 years ago, there were 884,181 students in 1,624 Catholic High Schools in the nation. Today there are about 569,000 students in 1,205 Catholic High Schools. Parents who send their children to parochial schools in essence value a Christian education, and trust the parochial school systems to educate their children in the faith.
In 1955, there were 46,970 priests in the USA. In 1960 and 1975, there were 53,796 and 58,909 priests, respectively. In 2000, it dropped to 45,713 even though the population has skyrocketed. As of 2021, there were 34,923 priests. In 1965, there were 994 priestly ordinations, 12,271 religious brothers and 58,632 priests. Priestly ordinations fell to 442 in 2000; religious brothers and priests were respectively 5,662 and 45,699 (some say 45,713) in 2000. The number of priests actively teaching in parochial schools in 1966 stood at 12,500, but in 2016 only 1,200 (an over 70% drop in about 3 generations.) Since the decade of the sixties, the Roman Catholic Church has lost over 80,000 priests, yet the replacement factor is depressing. You can not dictate a simple answer that the causes are a factor of modern society, because during the decade of the 1950s, society had no theological declines but an upswing.
The number of sisters in parochial schools dropped to 75,000 in 2002 with an average age of 68. In 2016 it fell to 4,000, and by 2018 it got worse: about 2400. Once upon a time, in the early 1960s, 7000 young women joined an order yearly, but by 2020, about 200 a year join a religious order. Less than 1% of nuns in America are under 40 while the average age of sisters is 80. The total number of sisters and priests once was 54,018 and 38,964 in 2012 respectively. Unless things change, according to the center for Applied Research in the Apostolate there will be fewer than 1,000 nuns left in the United States by 2042.
To cite one example of seminarians, the Franciscan Order had 2,251 seminarians in 1965, in 2000, only 60. Since the sixties, seminaries have fallen to bad times. Why not say since the nifty fifties? Because in 1930, there were 16,300 seminaries, 17,000 in 1940, and it climbed to 25,622 in 1950.
A few more clear examples are in order. In 1965, there were 3,559 Jesuit seminarians; 2,251 Franciscan seminarians; 1,128 Redemptorist seminarians and 2,434 seminarians of the Christian Brothers. By the start of a new millennium, the Jesuit, Franciscan, Redemptorist and Christian Brothers dropped to 389; 60; 24; and only 7. There was a significant boom in almost everything last mid-century, but then ...drop, drop, drop.
Baptisms of infants in 1980 were 943,632. In 2000: 996,199. In 2010: 806,138. In 2019: 582,331. In 2022: below 500,000. Catholics who attended Mass every week (survery-based estimate) in 1970, 54.9%; in 1980, 42.2%; in 1990, 32.5%; in 2000, 30.8%; in 2010, 24.2%; in 2015, 23.4%; in 2019, 21.1%. Some say the national range is now around 17.3%, unverified. There were 426,309 Catholic marriages in 1969, but in 2018, 137,885 despite the fact the number of Catholics in the United States has grown by 48.5 million to 73.2 million, from 1965 to 2021. First Communions going back to 1989: 849,919. In 2018 it hit 600,816.
The Catholic Times of London heralded on March 5, 2000, that the little seed which Pope John XXIII planted under the auspices of the Second Vatican Council has become a “tree which has spread its majestic and mighty branches over the vineyard of the Lord.” Has the Catholic Church really become that majestic since 1965? Since the mid 1960s, a few questions to ask, is it a march toward greater empathy about evil, a declining church, a rise in internet and other media disruption, a rise in pornography. The fault of society covered in hedonism? None of the above or coincidence?
The above provides a partial view of the state of the Catholic Church which Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets describes. Our ebook provides a reader the opportunity for much more, such as the supernatural and sciences besides "things" religious; it is like wearing a pair of 3-d glasses. Some items you may be acquainted, like the story of Fatima. But, you know it through past glasses of former generations. This ebook brings out the hidden dimensions, the fine detail missing in today's fast-pace world.
Is Fatima anticipated? What is the Ballamand Statement? Do you know what Padre Pio back in the 1960s said about Garabandal? What secrets and modern wisdom can be related on what Rev. Malachi Martin said to his friend Art Bell?
As related in the book, Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets, Rev. Stefano Gobbi had told Wingate in Mexico that he would be instrumental in the Marian Movement of all Roman and Orthodox bishops. Wingate was ordainied in 1991. Not to be confused with Reverend Canon Andrew Wingate, former Chaplain to Queen Elizabeth, circa 2007. He is leader of the Marian Movement of Bishops and Oblates of St. Therese of the Holy Child Jesus, which he formed. Wingate’s first guest appearance on Coast To Coast AM was on January 3, 2003—about twenty years ago.
He stormed to the front when he made two predictions before March 2004-—one did not involve the Church, but was about a tornado that would appear where it ought not to be. That tornado spun its ugly winds below the equator. No tornado had ever dared venture below the equator, at least not in living memory, which hit at Brazil. But, he had warned people that it was coming, and it was documented on the program Coast To Coast, with George Noory.
Speaking about tornadoes, now is a ripe time to describe a story that relates to a Minnesota tornado of 1998. The following and how it related to Reverend Wingate has never been described on any website before.
First photo is of Comfrey, MN.
The Story of a monster Tornado vs. Wingate of 26 years ago
The skies of March had been generally rainy. The winter had been very warm–the counterplot of an El Niño year–with the month of February bringing temperatures 15 ̊ warmer to southern Minnesota. A sequence of tornado warnings was issued March 27-29, 1998–a bit early for these parts. However, March 29 would be a day the inhabitants of St. Peter and Comfrey would not forget.
You can look it up on the internet and read all about it, but here is a tornado story, a story obscure beyond belief that may challenge what you believe in.
Many times twisters come in the dead of night, but, not today.
The timing and strength of the situation was unprecedented for the region, yet when it all ended, Metro Skywarn named it the top severe weather event in Minnesota history during the 1990s. From the Twin Cities to La Crosse, Wisconsin, to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, meteorologists had been calling for moderate risk of severe weather for a day or two, as in the mix was a picture of strong bands of warm and cold fronts merging.
Just after noontime, thunderstorms and hail crossed the state line between South Dakota and Minnesota, outside Brandon. The first twister of the day hit around 3:23 p.m. about two miles north of Lismore, bringing minor damage. As five other small twisters touched down within the hour, one big one formed 7 miles east of Avoca, Minnesota, and tore through Murray and Cottonwood counties. The storm destroyed a church in Jeffers, damaged or destroyed 150 farmsteads and killed 500 dairy cattle.
A supercell over 150 miles long then emerged bringing more dark skies.
At least 14 tornadoes spawned from the supercell. The most vicious was the F4 that remained on the ground, darting and weaving for 67 miles, and headed straight for Comfrey, Minnesota, toward Rev. Wingate. An F4 packs a wallop of 207-260 miles-an-hour wind. Witnesses described it as a “mass of blowing dust” and “rolling fog bank.” It hit Comfrey around 4:30 p.m., swept the center of town and destroyed the town hall, most of the main street business center, the town firehouse and over 50 homes. A school was heavily damaged, but luckily an alert fire chief sounded the sirens before it hit, and no one was killed. Some 100 people were left homeless. It is believed the storm hovered between F3 and F4 as it ransacked Comfrey.
The mighty tempest swept through Brown, Blue Earth and Watonwan counties; at one point it reached about a quarter mile in width. For Father Wingate, the day had dawned pleasant and sunny, but in the afternoon Wingate and his community did not know that they were in the path of a monster.
Tremendous Winds Supercharge Area over 120 Miles an Hour.
The destructive power was not allowed to strike Wingate and his community.
The dimension was nightmarish and wicked enough to ravage all in its path, and crush Wingate into a shadow of the past. Historians will mark certain periods of time in the annals of time as special. This may represent one of those times. Allow me to tell the strangest part of the story that is rather obscure.
The unfolding tempest, such as was never seen in Minnesota history, and which was either an F3 or F4, ravaged the land with great tornado winds and then miraculously changed its path. The account:
As it was approaching Courtland, Minnesota, Wingate was forewarned in a vision that the vicious tornado was coming, not just toward his community–which is called the Community of St. Peter–but, was coming straight for him. In the vision, Father Cermeño appeared to him. Cermeño was a very holy man, highly revered in Mexico. Wingate was bluntly told to beware of the storm and that it was coming for him. He was advised to stand up to it and fight it. Wingate asked Cermeño if there was time to say a Mass. He was adamantly told, “No.” It was approaching too fast and there was no time. Wingate called out to everybody and to start heading inside their earth home for some protection. [The apparition of Cermeño was veiled in sight and sound from everyone except Wingate. Moreover, Cermeño had passed away months before. The appearance of the vision of Cermeño was a communication from Heaven, Wingate related to me.]
What next transpired was no falsehood, not a vision or something out of a Hollywood movie, a gigantic funnel wrecking havoc wih the land was churning and twisting and heading straight in the direction of Wingate’s domicile. In full view of the swirling wind that rose from the funnel of doom, Rev. Wingate, standing outside with the dark force coming closer and closer, every moment scarier and scarier, said the following prayer: Prayer Against Storms.
The text is found on my website, scroll down on this page:
When he said the prayer, the storm stopped in its own path, and, contrary to the laws of nature, made a surprising 90 ̊ turn. You could hear the howling winds as it turned strong as ever, but miraculously it began to navigate in a different direction. The force of destruction had changed direction. However, it did not disappear. The terrifying tornado churned up the countryside, chewing up trees and more cows. Was the storm a manifestation of the devil? Was it the power of God that prevented it from destroying the community of St. Peter? How strange it is to know that while it missed one St. Peter, another St. Peter did not escape. At 5:30 p.m. the town of St. Peter was hit–about 20 miles away from where Father Wingate stood. The town suffered severe damage. Some 500 homes were shattered or destroyed. St. Peter’s Catholic Church met with destruction. Gustavus Adolphus College sustained a direct blow; 70% of the windows on the campus were shattered. A hospital received severe damage. Broken bricks littered the downtown. The library lost 25% of its books. Over 1000 trees were uprooted, and debris from St. Peter was found as far away as Rice Lake, Wisconsin, 136 miles away.
An additional sixty rural homes and farms outside St. Peter were damaged or destroyed by the St. Peter Twister–estimated by some weather experts as a minimum F3, which means winds between 158-206 miles-per-hour, and it caused $120 million in damage. Over the next hour, danger continued as the so-called tornadic supercell smashed the rest of southern Minnesota.
Path of the terror.

Above, the devastation at St. Peter, Minnesota March of 1998.
The author, next photo, is when he visited Father Andrew Wingate inside his home, nestled on a bluff. The roll of film I had from that visit is misplaced. The photographs on this web page are sadly only a few pictures of what I took when I visited St. Peter almost twenty years ago. I do not recall if this is sunset or dawn but it was a view from Reverend Wingate's domicile. He does not live here anymore, a different family has occupied the property the last that I heard.
Father Wingate is a private person, and does not seek publicity.
He is not like St. Malachy of Ireland, atuned in prophecy who has made predictions about the papacy. He told me he is not a prophet, only a messenger.

Wingate had met Pope John Paul II over a dozen times, and has said Holy Mass with Pope John Paul II-—who is now declared a saint by the Catholic Church. Father Wingate celebrates Latin Mass every day.
Virtually the same thing that happened in Fatima in 1917, took place at Garabandal, Spain, namely the appearance of the Blessed Mother to children, an interaction between them, and warnings and secrets. There were exceptions: the new series of apparitions were of a longer period of time. Padre Pio believed in the apparitions of Garabandal, which constitute a series of events from 1961-1965. Saint Padre Pio became a saint on June 16, 2002. Saint Padre Pio is one of only three saints who were priests living after the Second Vatican Council; St Josemaria Escriva and John Paul II are the others. Escriva and Pio had permission from the Pope to offer the traditional Latin Mass without any of the liturgical reforms that stemmed from Vatican II.
This is Sister Maria de las Nieves Garcia speaking about Garabandal and who knew Conchita personally. It is in Spanish. But, beware for there exist falsehoods, as reflected in this video, which had predicted something to happen in 2017. The world wide web contains anything and everything, and there is a tendency for some to exercise their thoughts as if they are historians, and the tendency to be off key will appear. There was no dooming event in 2017. Perhaps, they meant well, however. We live in strange times. By reading Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets, you have entered the story of both Garabandal and Fatima, including the pros and cons and, according to another story described in another part of this digital book taken from the time of 2004, a great turmoil in the sanctuary of Fatima materialized, about 19 years ago. More about the turmoil will be elaborated in this digital book.
Unlike the way the Vatican handled the investigations of Fatima, the investigations of Garabandal by the Vatican leaves something to be desired. A plethora of words comes to mind to describe the mismanagement of the investigations but, it is best left elsewhere in the book to provide a guide of unbelievable proportion. A one-eyed man with one leg and a parrot could have done a better job during the investigations of Garabandal. The following are a few more insights into Rev. Wingate.
Father Wingate is a private person, and does not seek publicity.
Wingate has never claimed to be a prophet. He has made several predictions about the Pope and the Catholic Church on the radio show Coast To Coast AM, and claims that if the Church does not listen to the Blessed Mother, the Church will be chastised. When he made predictions early in 2003, he said watch for the Madrid terror bombing (2004) and that China and Russia would participate in joint military manouvers, which they did in 2005. First time in history. Both came true.
In a certain sense, all this may sound strange and ominous but, Wingate appears to give us signals about the future, and he and what St. Malachy have said are arranged side-by-side in Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets for you to explore more deeply. Like Saint Pope John Paul II, WIngate has a great love of the Blessed Mother.
How he got to meet Sister Lucia is a strange story that is related in this ebook, personally told to this author. On a particular Saturday, he met a nun who asked him if he would carry a letter to the Pope John Paul II because the nun was told he would go see the Pope. He agreed and arrangements were made to take the letter.
He was taken to a convent by car.
He was taken inside where he saw Sister Lucia speaking to other nuns. All in their brown habits. One of the nuns handed Father Wingate the letter. Sister Lucia turned to him after one of the nuns told her, “Here is the Trumpeter.”
Sister Lucia turned around, and said, “Oh, yes, I know him.” in Portuguese. She also said, “Heaven has spoken of him. I know Saint Michael will assure that this letter will reach the Holy Father, for me.”
The next morning, Reverend Wingate was inside the basilica of St. Peter’s. It was around 10 a.m., and he was waiting for his friend who had the appointment to see the Pope. Unfortunately, the friend never showed up. So there is Father Wingate waiting in the crowd of people, when one of the Swiss Guards goes up to the ushers that are calling out the names of the people on the list. Everything is by protocol. If your name is not on the list, chances of seeing the Pope are nil.
The tall Swiss Guard pointed at Father Wingate.
Then, the two came over, and the usher asked in English “Aren’t you the one who is supposed to see the Holy Father?” Wingate answered yes.
The Swiss Guard then took the clip board from the usher and wrote Andrew Wingate on it. The semi-bewildered usher looked at it, and calmly read the name. With no fuss, Father Wingate went into the waiting room, where he later did get to see the Pope. The tall handsome Swiss Guard was Wingate’s guardian angel, Wingate told me. But, the story did not end there.
When they met, the Pope was told Sister Lucia was there to see the Pope.
The Pope asked Wingate, “Is she here?”
“Yes,” Fr Wingate replied, and told the Pope she had been trying to see him for a week.
The Pope turned abruptly to his Secretary, and nailed him with the question, “Why haven’t I seen her?”
The Secretary froze and said not a word.
The Pope snapped, “Send for her!”
What was discussed between them remains a secret to this day.
While Alert: For The Times is composed of many years of research, it does chronicle many facts of information not found elsewhere—this includes the various aspects of the Third Secret of Fatima, the true story of Fatima priest Rev. Nicholas Gruner (R.I.P. below on your right) and the coincidental meteoric rise of Mr. Art Bell (R.I.P.)—however, this is not a biography on Bell. As Joe Friday of Dragnet would say, “Just the facts, ma’am. Just the facts.”

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