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This part of Castles of the Mind is predicated on contemporary history, with details of events and places that can blossom to an eye opening experience.   On April 8, 2005, the last hours glistened before being overtaken by the dark shadow of an eclipse, as seen by the actual photograph on that day (below).  

April 8 2005 Solar Eclipse

If you wish to read about WW II, please press here.

This part of the website, as are all the other parts, is built to emphasize the importance of history.   This area explores three themes as set by historian Robert C. Valentine: religion, science and the supernatural, set in alphabetic order.  Navigating the site is easy, All WW II is bundled on the left; the right side of the menu no matter what pg one is on, involves the modern world.  On a cell phone, it is only the 1940s vs the contemporary.  Everything written by the author is not invented.


Digital Book has  

the most up-to-date items in the world

Unveiling the latest and most comprehensive information on Fatima and Garabandal.


A stunning, beautiful book by historian Robert C. Valentine is available.   Superb research: Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets, is a definitive digital book that includes the missing parts of history up to and including 2024.   The manuscript was begun in 1996.  It has elements of wisdom and also long lost facts, which after years of meticulous research includes the Third Secret of Fatima.  Developed into seven chapters. 

Are you acquainted with the prophecies of St. Malachy of Ireland?  


Do you believe that Our Blessed Mother visited Civitavecchia in 1995? (a port city in Italy.)  Who was Dhanis, a clergyman who did not believe in the authenticity of Fatima and who proclaimed Fatima is part of a story that stems from the imaginations of Lucia, which it is not, and whom was cited as a reference point in the release of the 3rd Secret by the Vatican in 2000.  

Read about Akita, the underlining story of the Third Secret of Fatima and Rev. Schweigl, the true report on the flame-like lance in Sister Lucia’s secret biography, undisclosed until now in relation to a warning by Sister Lucia.   Have you heard of Cardinal Ciappi, Professor Dr. Alice von Hildebrand, about the latest research on Christianity by the reputable Pew Research, our sidewinding peculiar weather, Sister Lucia’s secret letter to Cardinal Caffarra, St. Malachy of Ireland’s prophetic discourse 1962-2022?  Is the talk of Pope Francis going to Moscow true and if so what are the implications?  What the heck does Nostradamus say about the Papacy written over 400 years ago and is any of it relevant to our times?  Nostradamus is a storied avenue that possesses historical facts on the renovatorand the one that follows.  You will come face to face with the strange connection the apparitions of Garabandal have with those of Fatima, St. Padre Pio and Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu, MC, better known as St. Teresa of Calcutta.  

Chapter 1 starts with Fatima. 

The book ends with Fatima. 

A higher void drove the author Robert C. Valentine to research and bring a book on Fatima like none other.  Uncover the tablets of the past.  And, the subtle alchemy of past Vatican curias, from the paths of the good to the sordid shadows of evil.  If you are a young person interested in the history of Catholicism in a modern world and what does history tell us without the confusion, repeated algorithms from A to Z that can make history boring, than this is the book for you because we throw boring history out the window.  There is more to Fatima than just 1917—although this book does not sweep away 1917 because you will come face to face with the actual eyewitnesses of 1917, that many other Fatima books don’t mention.  And, the people, the places, the events are all build on hard core meticulous research by author-historian Robert C. Valentine but in a way that piques your interest.


Other stories on this web site are traced even further back in time to the 1100s- 1500s of kings and queens and knights and specifically  to 1140 when a medieval monk wrote a strange list of 112, some say 111, short Latin phrases from his time to our time.  Keep your eyes open for when you can order the special ebook for under $4 if you know the secret password.  That magic price once gone, is gone with the wind. Our opening section is laden with transcriptions on medieval manuscripts–that are neither lore or fabled misconceptions.  The news also involves the future, as does the story of Fatima, which is part of this assembled information.   (2017 marked the hundredth anniversary of Fatima.)   

The synchronicity is that a person from his medieval time did something remarkable, he gave mottoes of Popes before and after the Pope of a solar eclipse.  Moreover, the names that come after the Pope of the solar eclipse are dead accurate, and they have been not 80 or 90% accurate the last 60 years, but 100% correct.   However, he never designates a year.  He only wrote about those who would come before and after the eclipse of 2005.  Whats the catch?

The catch is that he also signaled big, big changes in the Roman Catholic Church.  You may choose not to believe the person who said it, but it does not absolve his accuracy, especially since the 1960s.  The name is Saint Malachy of Ireland.  

Nothing has changed to destroy what he had pinpointed.

Are we approaching a deciding factor to a possible 700-year old prophecy that has reached the final phrase of a very long list?  Is it possible a 700-year old prophecy is true?  

Some say, the Catholic Church has never approved it, true, however in the converse, even after 700 years, the Church has never been able to condemn the text of the Canonized saint.  A negative-like prophecy concerning the last transcription of his entire list, borders on heresy.

Moreover, in the catch phrases of a modern Vatican, it is just a legend, and it promotes movies, fantasies and, heck, it is not worth it.  Do not expect the representatives of the Church to talk about it, officially.

It is interesting to note various historians say his prophecies were highly accurate until 1557, or so.  But, what few dare to point out is that from 1960 onward, it hits the high note of accuracy supreme.  On the World Wide Web, nevertheless, you still find historians trying to debunk Malachy as in the following actual words by Senior Apologist Mr. Jimmy Akin which appeared in the National Catholic Register, about 10 years ago.  He accurately describes that the mottoes for the period prior to 1590 are easy to connect with the Popes they allegedly represent, but not more so those Popes coming after 1590, where even some writers allege it is all not written by Malachy.   Whatever the case may be, it was written centuries and centuries ago.  A learned scholar named John Lupia posted a most complete bibliography on St. Malachy’s prophecy in two articles in Roman Catholic News, which includes this: “After 35 years of research on this subject, it is my opinion that they are authentic.”  The papal list, not from the 1500s but from 1962 onward are spot on.  Mr. Lupia, an accomplished researcher with advanced degrees in Biblical studies and archeology, with a PhD in art history, presents the most scholarly information on the prophecy’s origin and descriptions.  (Petrus Romanus is below.) I find the most interesting  Pope of St. Malachy’s list  is the Pope of a solar eclipse mentioned who actually died in 2005.   When he was born, Earth passed through a solar eclipse.   Another night, another day goes by, so what, right?  
Wrong.   When John Paul II, who was the Pope of 2005, was entombed, an ominous timing elapsed on the Earth.   A solar eclipse happened.   The solar eclipse by itself is not unique, but what is unique is that he had called it to happen and, according to him, after St. John Paul II, Malachy only scribes two other names, and then, he names no other.   Chief concern:  What happens next?    The answer can be read in the history ebook, Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets. (Order page is under main store, menu.) 
Nevertheless, referring to the time period involving the solar eclipse of 2005, the last 60 years, which includes the eclipse of 2005,  St. Malachy is very correct, and of all the popes in the history of the papacy, there has existed only one–let me repeat–only one pope associated with a solar eclipse.   What timing.
How much credence should be placed on St. Malachy?  Many people feel uncomfortable applying a weight of credence to his prophecies.  I never say his prophecies are approved private revelations; in fact, his prophecies are not considered private revelations nor are they meant to be private, like Fatima's revelations, they are meant for the public.  Fatima has the seal of being approved by the Roman Catholic Church, period.  

What makes you think the Vatican will approve a series of prophecies that names two Popes at the end of his list followed by Petrus Romanus, and then the odious and the unthinkable?  Moreover, there exists the close association of a Pope of the Solar Eclipse who had to come before Petrus Romanus. I believe he had come and was buried in 2005.  One must, however, be prudent and not go after willy-nily entries of fabricated stories, for there exist many, many who don’t wish you to learn the secrets of history.  St. Malachy earns his name in our contemporary world upon the birth of John Paul II on May 18, 1920–that is not invented–during an eclipse and designated by Malachy–nearly 7 centuries before–to become Pope.  That was not controlled by men.  You can’t have a closer association than that.   That was not a private revelation; big deal on private revelations. As an historian, I am obliged to present the facts, just as it is fact, the Pope is not a dogma.  It is eerie, but like it or not, the Catholic Church has had over 450 years of study to officially reject the prophecies, but it never has. The newsmedia is not exactly in the dark, as ABC News reported.  I do not necessarily agree, however, that the world "will end" as the link denotes.  There are also numerous sites detailing his signature.  The history 2024 edition ebook, Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets, is quite intricate and informative at over 300 pages.  It is a wonderful volume and is now available.  


What is disturbing to some people is the following, which is not conjectural.   St. Malachy of Ireland wrote a list of Popes from his times to the modern era.  I am not saying Malachy’s list is 100% in error, nor 100% error free.  However, the following list of modern popes by St. Malachy were written centuries before the facts and prove remarkable twentieth-century fulfillments.  The descriptive phrases after the dates, were written in this exact order over 700 years ago.   Time wise, we have approached a deciding factor in history because we have gone past the point of a conversational piece and have reached the final phrase of his long list.  

The Last 60 Years, 1963-2023, of modern Popes














Paul VI (1963-1978) Flos florum “Flower of flowers” the first true modern Pope.  Above, it is July 20, 1969 and he is watching a TV telecast of the Apollo 11 landing on the Moon.  His coat of arms includes 3 fleurs-de-lis, the flower symbol used by the French monarchy.  The herald-device is unique to him among the papists.  Fleurs-de-lis literally means “flower of lily,” which indicates “flowers of a flower”.  Pope Paul VI never allowed Sister Lucia to speak to him directly, although he spoke of Marian events and visited many Marian shrines; officially instituted “Mary, Mother of Christ, Mother of the Church” that forms part of the Catholic Catechism.  He was also active in campaigning for the New World Order.  A Carl Teichrib obtained a copy of a rather unknown speech by Pope Paul VI to the United Nations on Oct. 4, 1965, where he calls for an expanded UN role that builds a bridge between peoples and a network of relations between States, which does not seem a bad idea.  He did add it was necessary for “the establishment of a world authority, able to act efficaciously on the juridical and political levels.”  One of the first things Pope Paul VI did as Pope was to stand up for Padre Pio and officially act in favor of him and to reject all accusations against Padre Pio, who happened to be a good friend of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. Pio became Saint Padre Pio on June 16, 2002 when Pope John Paul II canonized him 35 years after his death.  Pope Paul while celebrating a special Mass to begin the 10th year of his pontificate said about Vatican II that "there was the belief that after Council there would be a day of sunshine for the history of the Church. Instead, it was the arrival of a day of clouds, of tempest, of darkness, of uncertainty."  He also let slip to the world, "...from some fissure, the Smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God…Doubt has entered our consciences, and it entered by windows that should have been open to the light."

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John Paul I (1978-1978) De meditate lunae “From the midst of the moon” or “of the half-moon”.   He was born in the diocese of Belluno (luno is Latin for moon) and, actually ascended to the papacy on Aug. 26, 1978 on the exact date of a half-moon in its waning phase.  He also has the shortest papacy in history, a Pope for 33 days.  Soon after his passing, the Vatican insisted that a papal post-mortem was prohibited under Vatican law and that is why Pope John Paul I had a fast embalming.  All this led to the idea he was poisoned although in 1830 an autopsy was carried out by the Vatican on the remains of Pope Pius VIII in 1830 who was also suspected of being poisoned.  Hence, no such  Vatican prohibition existed before.  Pope John Paul I, before he was Pope conversed with Sister Lucia on July 11, 1977 for almost two hours.  Eyewitnesses state he looked extremely pale after the interview.  It was never revealed what he was told, but according to his biographer, Regina Kummer, one time during dinner at his brother and sister-in-laws, just before he became Pope, he told his sister-in-law, after she questioned him why he was not eating properly, that he was just thinking of what had happened when Sister Lucia spoke to him months earlier.  It is claimed he said that the Secret is terrible.  We are given a clue that he was told something, from two accounts, one published for the Italian review Il cuore della Madre (Jan. 1978) and Les Voyants de Fatima, 1978, number 5-6 (translated The Seers of Fatima.)  He wrote we should be allowed to recall the Fatima sign of October, 1917, and to be on the watch for “the signs of the times.”

John Paul II (1978-2005) De labore solis “from the labor of the Sun”.  The motto can also mean “eclipse of the Sun” or “labor of the Sun” as seen in an eclipse.  John Paul escaped the Nazis in WW II by working in a quarry under a merciless Sun.  He was born during a partial solar eclipse, and was interned on April 8, 2005 during a rare “hybrid” eclipse over South America and the Pacific.  The latin “Totus Tuus” (Totally yours) prescribes his devotion to Our Blessed Mother Mary.  The M on the shield stands for Mary.  In red is Cardinal Ciappi, papal adviser to five popes, who during the time John Paul II was Pope stated, "In the Third Secret, it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top."  This is amply covered in the new digital book.

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Benedict XVI (2005-2013) Gloria olivae “Glory of the olive”. At 78, the oldest Pope elected since 1730 and Clement XII.  He was born on the feast day of St. Benedict whose first name was Joseph, hence sharing the name Joseph as well as Benedict.  Benedict XVI was not a Benedictine, but St. Benedict is associated with a branch of Benedictines, the Olivetans who have been encharged with a special duty to warn and prepare the people for the Little Apocalypse.  Many commentators and historians state the olive branch is a symbol of the Benedictine monks, although pardon the expression, that does not seem to be the case.  Benedict chose the motto Cooperatores Veritatis (Cooperators of the Truth) for his coat of arms. The design of the shield takes inspiration from the monastic and Benedictine traditions of spirituality.  In the center is emblem of a scallop that features in the coat of arms of the ancient Monastery of Schotten near Regensburg (Ratisbon) in Bavaria, to which Joseph Ratzinger feels spiritually closely bound.  The Moor wearing a crown is common in Bavarian tradition.  The brown bear takes us to an ancient story where the first bishop of Freising, Germany was St. Corbinian who while riding his horse was attacked by a wild bear.  It tore his horse to pieces but spared St. Corbinian.  Benedict XVI resigned as Pope at eighty-five years old, about two months shy of his 86th birthday.  Pope Francis is the present Pope whom many say is Petrus Romanus; I do not agree.  His coat of arms is a blue shield, surmounted by the symbols of papal dignity, the same as those used by his Predecessor Benedict XVI (the mitre above crossed keys of gold and silver, bound by the red cord).  IHS represents the Jesuit order, a radiant sun carrying the letters in red, IHS, the monogram of Jesus. The letter H is crowned by a cross; beneath the letters are three black nails.  The Pope that followed Benedict happened to be called In popular culture, the renovator, Pope Francis.  Unfortunately for him, he will also be known among Vatican insiders as the Pachamama Pope, a Pope who allowed--not a tree as a symbol of life, but--a conduit statue, a pagan statue with large bare breasts, with people bowing down and kneeling to it's rosy nippled wooden statuette in the Vatican Gardens, something no other Pope in the entire history of the Papacy has ever authored.   This controversial representation was also placed in front of the main altar at St. Peter's in 2019 and then carried in procession to the Synod Hall.  Some people defend the actions as a way to recognize the multiplicity of "interlocutors" and indigenous people of the Amazons of So. America.  As stated in Joy of the Gospel, n.23 and n.39, "the Amazon demands an open attitude of dialogue" and "love, lived in any religion, pleases God."  I suppose the religion of the Aztecs to tear out a man's heart in the name of love of religion is also pleasing to God.  Another strange oddity of sorts appeared in the Vatican while under the reign of Francis. Recently, in 2023, he honored an artist who felt it was his duty as artist to create a piece with a crucifix that was urinated on.  Francis never protested, on the contrary he gave a big smile and shook the artist's hand for all photographers to see.  By this act that Francis did on his own free will, he is by some called an anti-pope. The topic of anti-popes is real, not some millennium freaky nuance.  It must be reminded, the Catholic Church has had 30 anti-popes in its history.  However, in the 1900s, the Church has thankfully, had no anti-popes.  Francis has asked that when his time comes to leave this earth, he be buried in the Basilica of St. Mary Major, and hopefully, I suspect, to distance himself away from the other Popes buried in a grotto beneath St. Peter, which for whatever reason would distance himself away from the hall in St. Peter, which holds portraits of the other Popes who are not South American, and which has room for only one more Pope.  The prophecy given by St. Malachy lists one name after the Pope known as Gloria olivae (Pope Benedict), and then the last Pope in the List would take the seat of Saint Peter and the world would fall into anarchy at the same time the persecution of the Holy Church.  This is not to say there was never any persecution of the Church in prior times.  


     What may be unique is that as the Holy Father said on May 11, 2010 on his flight to Fatima for a pilgrimage, that in regards to the persecution of the Holy Catholic Church, it has always been known, but: "the greatest persecution of the Church does not come from enemies outside, but arises from sin in the Church."  These words came from the Gloria olivae Pope, Benedict XVI.  The words are corroborated from an article in the National Catholic Reporter May 11, 2010 issue by correspondent John Allen, as found in the ebook Alert For The  Times, Book of Secrets.  It has been expressed that Pope Francis chose the name Francis in honor of St. Francis of Assisi who lived a life of humble service to the poor; he also picked St. Francis Xavier who is a founding member of the Jesuits, and is in my ebook.  In 2023, Pope Francis undertook a trip to Africa about a month before the start of the Synod of Bishops.  This helped draw attention away from the upcoming Synod Oct. of 2023.  The same pattern was repeated in 2024: about a month before the start of the Synod in October, Pope Francis took a trip to far-away Indonesia, and believe me, his Vatican already has a plan in the works, that will strike with a new revelation that will be announced after the Synod ends, that will probably electrify the world.

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Petrus Romanus is described in the ebook, Alert: For the Times, Book of Secrets.

But, how could a man born eight and a half centuries ago be strangely accurate?   What timing. An 85-year old Pope Benedict XVI stepped down on Feb. 28; as was announced the morning of Monday Feb. 11, 2013.  He passed away in 2022. So do we have the last Pope?  The last Pope to what?

An extraordinary sign on the day of abdication?   English or spanish.

According to St. Malachy, when the Pope that follows Benedict XVI ceases to be Pope and ends his term, the list of popes abruptly ends, too.
The prophecies of St. Malachy are being known, moreso now than at any other time, because of the timing of Benedict’s resignation.   What shall we look for?  August of 2017 brought another disturbance in the sky,  a great American solar eclipse.   And....

Rare Alignment December 21, 2020

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