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A flicker of hope
is all that stood
. . . against barbarism.
Another outbreak of such a crisis of madness
[meaning the First World War]
would necessarily involve the destruction of
society in the public order. June 1, 1933
People cried out
for a better future.
Germany neither intends nor wishes
to interfere in the internal affairs
of Austria or to conclude an Anschluss. May 1935
If the problem is solved,
there will be no further territorial damands
in Europe by Germany. Sep 1938
Introduction of the Contemporary
With the rise of
space weather and the web, are we just being bombarded by planetary waves of information on a grand scale?
You will discover things not normally found in typical geophysical and religious windows of knowledge; a kaleidoscope of events.
Grim anomalies in a way not seen in recent memory.
For starters HBO Chernobyl
A nuclear turmoil was turned into history 37 years ago at a place called Chernobyl, and which HBO has captured with a new 5-part miniseries, that debuted on Monday, May 6, 2019. It is a true-life horror story and should be watched. It impacted the climate in Europe in more ways than one. Chernobyl is included in the special informative list of facts called Historical Keypoints which is provided free to whoever purchases the digital audiovisual, Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets.
Did you know that Chernobyl translated into English from Ukraine is wormwood?
There exists a prophecy in the Bible, keyword Wormwood, chapter 8 of Revelation that tells about a star, named Wormwood, that falls upon the Earth, with cataclysmic results. Such a name was picked by St. John some 2,000 years ago and mentioned no where else in the New Testament of the Bible which is eerie. Wormwood is used in Russia for medicinal purposes, and a characteristic of that is that their tongues turn black. The Ukrainian word for black is chornee (чорний.) In Ukraine, Chernobyl and Wormwood is interchangeably used, but if taken in the context of Biblical verse, Chernobyl arises and the waters were made bitter, many died, as a result of a star falling, or a description of what St. John thinks is a star, a modern reference to a nuclear explosion St. John knew not.
This incidence is made to be aware of. Author Valentine believes Chernobyl is the 4th Trumpet of Revelation, something different, yes, but an event which took place on April 26, 1986, 37 years ago.
An extra tidbit in history to add, pertaining to Revelation 9: The flying war helicopters were like giant locusts permeating the land, with the faces of men visible—behind their windshields—with a unique sound of their wings so said St. John—the blades. This portion of the Bible also describes, in verse 11 of Ch 9, a term St. John uses, of a king named Apollyon or Abaddon. Each of these words translates into English as “the destroyer.” In 1991, when the world awoke to these reference points of a bottomless pit--during the invasion of Kuwait-- an angry Saddam set fire to 700 oilfields, and an entire sky was darkened due to the smoke of “the pit” and where the people of Kuwait did not see the sky or the sun easily for over 3 months.
So the world saw scorpions of the Earth [flying choppers] with horns (locusts) and breastplates [metallic entities with faces of men] fly down over the Earth, and the world witnessed the bottomless pit and what it brought. To this, John wrote, of a king whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon calling him the angel of the bottomless pit, and not necessarily a good angel.
Abaddon in the Greek language is Apollyon. The word destroyer, if one carries it into Persian, translates into of all people’s names, Saddam. No, not Charley or Hussein. But Saddam, the man who wrote his name in modern history for many reasons. Saddam is, or was, Apollyon, or in Hebrew Abaddon. This bottomless pit scenario is connected to Trumpet 6. Go see Chernobyl, and remember we are dealing with history and climate and the invisible. Something that has never occurred on this planet before and which resembled a wartime Hiroshima in terms of radiation and death.
We had a strange timing of another sort in April of 2017: there was a BBC report on icebergs. A question to ask is but were they majestic or massive problems?
Do you remember the headache problems for commuters that greeted Americans on April 20, 2017, that gridlocked San Francisco for 7 hours. This impact was real and was also felt in Los Angeles and New York but, can we, should we...
—chalk it all away as Hollywood inventive make-believes? and just imagination.
That was 5-6 years ago. Ever heard of Operation Gotham Shield?
Do you recall the terror attack that struck the Champs Elysee in Paris? Or, Sweden and a rampaging Muslim. Thank God for women who want peace. All the above were events that occurred during the anniversary year of Fatima. Author Mr. Valentine within the ebook does not put things in a helter-skelter manner in his presentation, but places dynamic historical events in a proper perspective to give meaning to life. Each of us means something in the scope of things. Look at the next two incongruent things, incongruent in the sense of timing which many people who associate Art Bell or George Noory only to the realm as hosts of the nationally syndicated program Coast To Coast AM with conspiracy theories and UFOs belies a level beyond believe.
“At one point six million in the Carolinas, that's where my mom lives, are without electricity....The worst ice they've seen in they don't know how long in the Carolinas. At least 22 dead are blamed on the storm.
“At the same time here, look I get an e-mail from Anchorage, Alaska. Helga: ''Art, I was watching tv news about the weather back East, all the snow and the rest of it. Do you know I've been enjoying Spring, here, in the Anchorage area?
'We've had the warmest November on record. The grass is still green. And, we've been having record-breaking warm temperatures. We've had a few traces of snow earlier in the Fall, but, nada since. There's no snow in the forecast for the next five days. Gee, what strange weather."”.
Art Bell December 5, 2002, on Coast To Coast AM
“It has been a long day for utility workers. They spent all last night restoring some electricity to some 6000 metro Atlanta residents who lost power as the storm moved through here last night. And then when they thought they were in the clear, they got a call to go to North Carolina when things got real bad....More than a million in North Carolina [were without power] and more than a quarter million in South Carolina. That's more people than the number that lost power during Hurricane Hugo in 1989. Officials say this is the worst winter storm they've seen in decades....”
correspondent John Serrie, FOX News on Your World with Neil Cavuto, December 5, 2002
Downtown Chicago an instance in freaky weather.
University kids are getting the message from Loyola of Chicago.
Alas, within news of abnormality of weather, reality swept our contemporary, escape from terrorism Paris, Nov 13, 2015.
Back in time, to history’s unforgetables, such as NY 9-8-2012, MW 5-19-2013.
A strange meteorite that crashed in Argentina that killed a woman. All episodes lost in time.
The videos on this website are a brazen testament to history.
While some items on this web site deal with the supernatural and religion, by far not everything is, due to the idea some things are connected to our lofty Earth and have a penchant of importance because our key figures say so in our ebook. One example involves wildfires. Scientists from Scripps and the University of Arizona released a new report, the first of its kind, analyzing the last 35 years of wildfire activity, funded by grants from NOAA, the U.S. Forest Service and the California Energy Commission. The average fire season has grown--by more than 2 months as spring comes earlier. Fires have destroyed 6.5 times more land than in the 1970s. Our terrible fires are unfortunately not a fluke AND are linked to the disposition of our “changing climate”--one of my themes in my book Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets, which people should read.
Videos on this website are for historical and educational purposes. We must thank the army of men and women who braved it all and recorded history for us. The book is not a whimsy spur of the moment thing. In time, the picture becomes clearer. The author has labored on it since 1996.

Robert Valentine's book Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets provides numerous data points about the climate, religion, and the supernatural.
To the uninitiated Coast To Coast audience, certain names will be new. Therein lies a nest of facts, and within lies the unknown, the forgotten years, unless you lived them.
For example, did you know weather and fungi damages are already aggravating food crop yields? That is in Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets.
Another example, the 1960s, were more than just rock and roll and Viet Nam. The early years witnessed the apparitions of Garabandal and the tension of the Cold War. [May we suggest the movie by Academy Award winners Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks Bridge of Spies, a screen drama of security tension and spies that we strongly recommend.]
Granted we live in a busy world yet, what is really relevant?
To those who were in St. Louis when a horrific hailstorm hit on April 28, 2012, that was relevant! To those who are living and feeling the strange oscillations of weather in 2024, that is relevant. The power of God and nature is awesome. It is scary, but it can be fixable. But, at what price? The answer will not be simple. Nor is it frameable in 1 answer. Within the book, you will find a framework of items akin to a treasure of information, a goldmine. A goldmine of information where people prompt the question, “What happened?” [It might be interesting to know but, if you possess a big HD TV that can be connected to the internet, why not try seeing this website on your set? It would be awesome. But, a little caution, as of summer 2018, non-quicktime videos do work, but so far, not the QT platforms...for that, you will need your computer. We have been able to do some tests on large-sized videos, including the Panasonic Viera Plasma TC-P55VT and the LG 2018 4K UHD 55 inch, and this website lends itself to the web. Everything comes out clear except the pdf's but everything else looks vivid, large and fine. Why not give it a try? with the historical video links.]
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The following were distributed propitiously after Katrina: 5.4 million meals, 144 generators, 3.5 tons of ice, 3.5 million gallons of water, 10,400 tarps, 11,000 cots, and 135,000 blankets. With this premise, using color pictures and maps, we will try to provide a historical understanding and will explore what experts—like Professor Lonnie Thompson, Professor Christina Hulbe, Professor Mark Serreze, Professor Ted Scambos and James Baker disclose. We do not delve into only one or two subjects, but a plethora of information about your climate, which forms part of the story.
Professor Lonnie G. Thompson.

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