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Do you remember 5/5/2000?   Or as they say May 5, 2000?

There was no song of catastrophe that May 5th, but natural catastrophes, are still evident. 


 history and


Welcome to the castles of the mind web site

Geophysical events and disturbances still twist and turn from month to month; they won’t disappear. Could it all be a figure of our imagination that they are on the increase or is there something more?




Happy   New Year 

"Christmas Star" last  seen in  2020

 nice Christmas music.

Congratulations to the Dodgers for capturing 

the World Series

An historic game

down  to the 10th inning last out !



Eiffel Tower Paris.png

Our web site  is divided into 2 distinct  parts

Enter this at your own peril.

Covers Alert: For The Times, Book of Secrets, by Robert C. Valentine.
Undaunting but historical, includes 
...Fatima, Coast To Coast AM, Art Bell, George Noory and Superstorm Sandy


First and foremost the day before the 8oth Anniversary of D-Day, courtesy of PBS NewsHour.

This section takes you to the greatest generation, an opportunity to see the WW II generation.  Includes Hollywood during the Second World War. Press

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