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A flicker of hope
is all that stood
. . . against barbarism.
Another outbreak of such a crisis of madness
[meaning the First World War]
would necessarily involve the destruction of
society in the public order. June 1, 1933
People cried out
for a better future.
Germany neither intends nor wishes
to interfere in the internal affairs
of Austria or to conclude an Anschluss. May 1935
If the problem is solved,
there will be no further territorial damands
in Europe by Germany. Sep 1938
Vol. One: 52,462 word narrative. Neutral America. Events leading to U.S. entrance into WW II. Handy reference guide, 192 pages. Includes Dec. 7, 1941 9.25 x 8.25 ISBN: 1-880633-84-1
Reviews the World War when the United States people were in neutral status. Actual speeches of President Roosevelt 1940-1941; comprehensive description of code breaking operatus; review of U.S. Neutrality Acts, 1936-1941. Battle of the Atlantic. Rise of Fascism explored. All books bought in Spring-Summer of 2023, receive an autographed copy. Detailed chronology of 1940-1941. World of streamlining art. Index and Bibliography.
Vol. Two: Comprehensively covers 1942. Non-fiction. If you have family members who served in WW II or lived through it, get the book. This book was finalist in the History United States category of the National Best Books Awards. Powerful, detailed narration, 296 pages. A gorgeous, beautiful volume of 1942. ISBN: 1-880633-84-2. Bibliography & index. Illustrated in color with a few black and white. Academy Award winner John Ford with never-before-seen information & superb color photography. Orson Wells' Between Americans, Dec. 7, 1941 radio program supplement. THE SPY NETWORK rarely told. The engagement over Midway in such detail that it will amaze you. Birth of U.S. Eighth Army Air Force. Both home and war fronts described. Unique WW II insignia descriptions in color that highlight a unit’s participation during 1942. Home Front chronology included, historical Dr. Seuss cartoons. Maps and globes. Secretive Ascension Island and Hollywood participation at the start of the war. Guadalcanal. North Africa. War of the Atlantic. [If you placed an order on a cell phone by mistake, anytime you would like to remove a book press the x.] A reminder: all books bought in Spring-Summer of 2023, receive an autographed copy. Postage will later go up SO BE WARNED. Buy any second book, however, postage is totally free !! Beautiful quality book 9.25 x 8.25 with 259 color illustrations.
Commemorative Vol. of 1944: Protective Mylar Hardcover, 268 pages. Do not be confused wiith simple Mylar jacket wraps. As for ex, you spill tea on it, just wipe it off from the Mylar and it looks like new. Over 250 authentic color pictures of the period. None are colorized. 8.5 x 11. Only book with color photograph of correspondent Ernie Pyle. Unique WW II insignia and descriptions in color of each unit during their 1944 campaigns: all world campaigns; Pacific and ETO on the ground and in the air. Normandy Invasion highlighted. Mariannas Invasion. Liberation of Italy and Western Europe. 32 original WW II cartoons, including Yank, some are special edition never before published in a book. Additional illustrations: 19 maps and globes. Intriguing up-to-date detailed chronology. Liberation of the Philippines and Invasion of So. France not forgotten. Army, Air Forces, Navy, Marines, inclusive. Exclusive Bastogne and Battle of the Bulge pictures in color. Age of supersonic flight. A reminder: all books bought in Spring-Summer of 2023, receive an autographed copy. Postage will later go up SO BE WARNED. Buy any second book, however, postage is totally free !! Index and Bibliography.
Use Coupon code Save on postage at checkout. ISBN: 1-880633-84-4